Cola Tree: Dosage

Kola seeds are taken in the form of drug powder or other preparation forms. Extracts from cola seeds are a component of many, especially liquid preparations such as Coca Cola. Phytopharmaceuticals do not currently exist in Germany; in Austria, there are a few preparations.

Cola seeds: maximum dose

Unless otherwise prescribed, the daily dose is 2-6 g of cola seeds or 0.25-0.75 g of cola extract, 2.5-7.5 g of cola fluid extract, 10-30 g of cola tincture, or 60-180 g of cola wine.

When cola preparations are unsuitable

Tea preparations are not suitable because cola seeds are not suitable for consumption in tea form.

Preparations of cola seeds should not be taken in cases of existing gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as hypertension and problems with the heart.

Kola seeds should be kept dry and away from light.