Which sport is recommendable? | Scheuermann’s disease

Which sport is recommendable?

To counteract aggravation, the back muscles should be strengthened and the mobility of the spine should be promoted. In addition, joint-gentle sports such as swimming, yoga, Pilates and relaxation exercises are recommended. In addition, back exercises and/or specific strength training should be done regularly. Especially in adolescence it is important to train the back, abdominal and trunk muscles by means of sports. This protects muscles, bones, intervertebral discs, tendons and cartilage from further damage and injuries.

Is there a higher risk of a slipped disc?

Due to the pathological change in the shape of the vertebral bodies, the intervertebral discs are constantly overstressed and incorrectly loaded. As a result, they change their position and location, become thinner or can recede completely. Thus, the risk of suffering from a herniated disc in adulthood is significantly increased in Scheuermann’s disease.


Old methods mentioned in the therapy can of course also be used for prophylactic purposes. A good muscular corset should be acquired in childhood so that complaints do not arise in the first place. Especially the training of the abdominal and back muscles, swimming (especially backstroke, no dolphin), avoidance of competitive sports, no carrying and lifting of heavy loads,


In most cases, Scheuermann’s disease does not cause any symptoms and is only diagnosed as a chance diagnosis in the X-ray image. Malpositions of the spinal column can lead to chronic back pain or herniated discs. Permanent malpositions that require surgical therapy are usually the exception.


In the early stages of Scheuermann’s disease, postural deformities, mostly in the thoracic spine, are noticeable (hump formation).Clinically, the diagnosis can be secured by proving the fixation of the hunchback formation (inability to actively compensate for the hunchback). If the X-ray image shows the typical Scheuermann changes, the diagnosis can be made.

Changes in X-rays

In Scheuermann’s disease, significant changes in the shape of the vertebral body and its growth disorders can already be detected in the X-ray image. In addition, a hunched back and a hollow back can usually be diagnosed due to the many years of overloading and incorrect loading of the spinal column. A three-dimensional twisting and bending of the spine (scoliosis) is also usually visible.

To determine the exact extent of the disease, the entire spine should be x-rayed from the front as well as from the side.

  • Typical Schmorl ́sche Nodules (see white arrow, picture above)
  • Irregular top and base plates of the vertebral bodies
  • Wedge vertebra formation (see the two vertebral bodies in the upper picture – upper vertebral bodies normal, lower wedge vertebrae)
  • Edgren – Vaino – Character: Nodules in the top or bottom plate opposite the braising nodules

The x-ray image shows the collapse of the cover plate of a vertebral body in Scheuermann’s disease and the resulting wedge vertebra. Several such wedge vertebrae then lead to a hunched back.