Common Cold: E to H

Our ABC of the common cold provides information on everything you need to know about the common cold. In the following, we deal with the letters E to H – from nutrition to sore throat.

E – Nutrition

A weak immune system is much more susceptible to colds than a strengthened one. Nutrition alone provides the body with important support to successfully fight off pathogens. During the cold season, therefore, one should pay attention to an adequate vitamin and protein intake.

The body needs folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E in particular. Important are now especially citrus fruits, fish (here especially mackerel, salmon and herring), whole grain products and probiotic yogurt. In addition, sauerkraut, kefir and “normal” yogurt also contain lactobacilli, which strengthen the immune system. Fresh fruit and vegetables should be included in the diet several times a day.

High-fat foods, on the other hand, should be avoided. Lean meat is allowed. Suitable for the cold season, of course, always strengthen hot soups, which has the side effect that the body is supplied with a lot of liquid. And as grandmother already knew, homemade chicken soup strengthens especially well with colds.

F – fever

When foreign microorganisms invade the body, our body warns us with fever. The increased body temperature can also be an indication that the organism is fighting the foreign substances. Especially in young children, the temperature can rise very quickly. As a rule, fever appears as an accompanying symptom of an illness and not as such. Mild fever promotes the recovery process.

A distinction is made between elevated temperature up to 38 degrees, moderate fever below 39 degrees and high fever above 39 degrees (measured rectally in each case). Normally, the body regulates its own temperature, but in the case of high fever, it is essential to consult a doctor.

Although fever-reducing measures are initiated above 40 degrees, the main thing to do is to combat the source of the fever. The typical sweating out of an infection is also dangerous in the case of fever. Instead, it is important to drink a lot, because the need for fluids is now particularly high. In addition, one should keep strict bed rest until the fever has subsided.

G – Flu

Often a flu is mistakenly equated with a cold or a flu-like infection. In this case, flu can become a really dangerous disease, while a cold, although unpleasant, is harmless. Flu symptoms usually hit the sufferer as suddenly as they do violently. The clinical picture is typically characterized by high fever, dry cough, severe headache, joint pain and chills.

Influenza is caused by influenza viruses. These can change constantly and lead to ever new epidemics, because influenza viruses are transmitted by the smallest droplets and are therefore highly contagious. Children, young people and the elderly are particularly at risk.

The safest protection against influenza is the annual flu vaccination; it is best to ask your family doctor about this. The flu vaccination should be given between September and November and is especially recommended for certain risk groups such as pensioners, asthmatics, diabetics or HIV patients. People with chicken protein allergies, on the other hand, may not get vaccinated.

H – Sore throat

Sore throats are often the first harbingers of a cold or flu-like infection. In most cases, sore throats are harmless and pass after a few days without further treatment, but they can also indicate a more serious illness. In addition, sore throats can also occur as a result of an allergic reaction or overuse of the voice. Once the immune system is weakened by a cold, bacteria can attack the oral mucosa and lead to tonsillitis (angina).

If you feel the first scratchy feeling in your throat, you may already be able to prevent the outbreak of a cold with a few home remedies. Drinking plenty of fluids, keeping warm with scarves or neck wraps, inhaling and gargling are the most proven measures. If other cold symptoms have already set in, lozenges, sprays or even painkillers such as paracetamol can reduce the sore throat.

If there is no improvement after three days, a doctor should be consulted. The same applies if additional complications arise, especially high fever and breathing difficulties.