Compulsive Throat Clearing: Causes, Treatment & Help

Compulsive throat clearing, which is also repeatedly referred to as so-called globe syndrome, lives up to its name: affected persons clear their throats compulsively. The reason for the throat clearing is a foreign body sensation that occurs predominantly in the throat.

What characterizes compulsive throat clearing?

Affected people cannot get rid of the feeling that they have a foreign body in their throat. For this reason, the so-called compulsive throat clearing or globe syndrome develops. Affected persons cannot get rid of the feeling that they have a foreign body in their throat. This is the reason for the so-called compulsive throat clearing or globe syndrome. Affected persons want to get rid of the “lump” or the mucus that they think has formed in the throat. For this reason, sufferers clear their throats constantly. Many also try to get rid of the foreign body feeling by coughing or gagging. But the feeling of the foreign body remains; subsequently, other complaints occur, which are localized in the throat area. The compulsive throat clearing can even go so far that the affected person complains of shortness of breath as well as panic attacks.


There are a variety of causes. In some cases, there is a foreign body in the throat as well as neck area. This can sometimes be a tumor; in some cases, there is also an inflammation that triggers the foreign body sensation. Sometimes a lateral gangrene can also trigger the compulsive throat clearing. Furthermore, some patients have also been diagnosed with disorders of the thyroid glands, which were subsequently responsible for the globe syndrome. As the patient repeatedly clears his throat, the tonsils swell. This causes the classic “lumpy feeling” in the throat, which the patient describes as extremely unpleasant. If an infection is actually present (often a fungal infection), the urge to clear the throat is also triggered. Mucus production is increased, so that the effect that something is “in the throat” is further intensified. Sometimes, however, the cause does not always have to be found directly in the throat. In some cases, a change in the heart can also trigger a feeling of pressure. Even a form of Tourette’s syndrome cannot be ruled out in the case of a compulsive throat clearing. The affected person develops so-called “tics“, which he can neither control, nor whose extent he can control. In a few cases, psychological reasons may also be present. In particular, people who also suffer from depression repeatedly experience a feeling of tightness in the throat. There are no organic causes in this case.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Tumor
  • Laryngitis
  • Lateral trangangina
  • Tic and Tourette’s syndrome
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Angina tonsillaris

Diagnosis and course

If the affected person repeatedly complains of a “lump feeling” or a “tightness feeling” in the throat, this must see a doctor. Only through various examinations is it possible that the cause of the compulsive throat clearing is found out. The medical doctor must also determine in advance whether it is a phase or a permanent disorder. Furthermore, the medical practitioner will take into account the complaints and try – within the framework of a list of questions – to find any connections to other diseases. If there is a possible cause, the region can be examined by means of a mirror examination. In doing so, the physician can detect an actual foreign body, an inflammation or even an increased development of mucus. Sometimes ultrasound examinations can also lead to a result. To what extent the compulsive throat clearing determines the further life or which development the disorder brings with it, cannot be said in general terms. Sometimes it depends on the cause of the compulsive throat clearing. For example, if a foreign body is present, the compulsive throat clearing may disappear by itself. In some cases, however, the development of a compulsive disorder is possible. Inflammations that occur repeatedly due to high stress can subsequently become malignant. For example, tumors may develop and even become a danger to the patient’s life. Globus syndrome must therefore be treated in all cases so that a worsening of the situation can be prevented.


Usually, clearing the throat is a normal thing to get rid of annoying mucus that settles on the vocal cords, causing a busy voice. However, if throat clearing becomes compulsive, complications can arise.Anyone who constantly has to clear their throat is suffering from chronic irritation or inflammation of the mucous membrane in the throat. This can be due to both harmless and serious causes. Among other things, the so-called reflux disease leads to constant inflammation in the throat due to the rising stomach acid. The chronic irritation causes constant scratching in the throat area, which in turn causes throat clearing. At the same time, the effects of the constant burns caused by stomach acid often lead to pathological changes and even cancer in the esophagus or larynx. But even with more harmless causes, throat clearing can lead to chronic irritation of the mucous membrane and vocal cords. This is the case when it becomes compulsive. Every time the throat is cleared, a strong flow of air is created, which stresses the sensitive mucous membrane of the larynx. Thus, a vicious cycle develops. The irritated mucous membrane encourages clearing of the throat. The clearing of the throat, in turn, further irritates the mucous membrane with constant repetition, so that chronic inflammation develops, which eventually causes chronic hoarseness. In very rare cases, compulsive throat clearing can also be triggered by a benign or even malignant tumor.

When should you go to the doctor?

Compulsive throat clearing should always be clarified by a doctor, as the complaints are usually based on a serious cause. Medical advice is especially needed in the case of severe discomfort that cannot be alleviated by the usual measures and increases rapidly in the course. If, for example, there are problems with swallowing or speech interruptions, a doctor should clarify the cause. There may be a fungal or bacterial infection that needs to be treated immediately. In general, as soon as throat clearing becomes compulsive and impairs well-being, medical advice is needed. Otherwise, further mental disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders may develop. If further complaints such as sore throat, fever or cough develop, an ENT specialist must be consulted. If a swollen throat is added, there may be a life-threatening bacterial inflammation of the mucous membranes (epiglottitis), which must be treated immediately. Compulsive throat clearing that is associated with severe shortness of breath should be clarified by an emergency medical service. Compulsive throat clearing in infants and young children must be discussed with the pediatrician in charge.

Treatment and therapy

Depending on the type and manner is then also the therapy and treatment. In many cases, psychotherapeutic treatments help, and sometimes medication can also ensure that the compulsive throat clearing is controlled. If the cause is a disorder of the thyroid glands, for example, the physician can also prescribe medication, whereby the unpleasant feeling in the throat, which is also described as a “lumpy feeling,” is primarily combated. If an inflammation is present or if the physician has detected a cyst, medication must also be administered. In some cases, physicians also advise surgery. This is the case if a tumor or a growth has been detected in the course of the diagnosis. In the case of cancer, chemotherapy is also started. If a cold is present, light medication may be sufficient to make the foreign body sensation disappear. Sometimes it is possible that – due to the cold – a pronounced clearing of the throat occurs, but this must be treated. In this case, swallowing therapy is often used. In swallowing therapy, the patient must improve the clearing of the throat as well as swallowing. Thus, it is possible that the compulsion can be controlled.

Outlook and prognosis

Compulsive throat clearing can be quite different. If the constant throat clearing is due to a cold or flu, the symptoms usually disappear as soon as the respiratory tract has recovered. In the case of a causative disease, the outlook depends on the extent to which the underlying condition has already been treated and what treatment options are still available. For instance, chronic vocal cord inflammation or even chronic bronchitis can be extremely protracted, while cysts can be removed immediately through surgery. The actual throat clearing attacks can at least be alleviated by therapeutic measures and a number of preparations in most cases. If the throat clearing has already resulted in inflammation of the vocal cords or some other condition, this must be treated concomitantly. If the symptoms are caused by a foreign body, it is usually sufficient to remove it.However, if the foreign body remains in the lung cavity for a prolonged period, a pronounced obsessive-compulsive disorder may develop. In addition, inflammation can occur, which sometimes develops into a malignant disease. It is therefore advisable to have problems with the vocal cords and especially compulsive throat clearing clarified.


Compulsive throat clearing can be prevented. Since it is primarily a so-called neurotic effect, a positive result can be achieved by means of therapy. However, if Tourette’s syndrome is the cause of the compulsive throat clearing, that “tic” cannot be prevented or prevented. Chronic causes can also be prevented as part of a healthy lifestyle. The secret recipe is a strong immune system, so that any pathogens do not find a place and thus can not trigger inflammation, which may very well trigger the foreign body feeling in the throat.

This is what you can do yourself

The possibilities of self-treatment for compulsive throat clearing depend on the cause of this complaint. If an infection is the cause, strengthening your own defenses is advisable. Through a healthy diet rich in vital substances, regular exercise as well as compensation through relaxation phases, the body has sufficient defenses. If the compulsive throat clearing is caused by a lumpy feeling in the throat – in the case of thyroid dysfunction – an increased intake of fluids can initially help. Diseases of the thyroid gland represent a permanent inflammatory process in the body. In this case, too, a healthy lifestyle with little stress is helpful. In addition to the needed medication, taking supplements such as selenium can help. If the inflammation in the thyroid gland decreases, the unpleasant feeling in the throat also decreases. In the case of an underlying neurotic problem – an obsessive-compulsive disorder – self-treatment is limited. In this case, a psychotherapist or psychologist should be consulted. However, psychological stress can be alleviated by measures that can be easily integrated into everyday life. These include measures such as incorporating breaks into everyday working life, learning breathing techniques, practicing relaxation methods such as yoga or tai chi, and finding a balance in sports or manual labor. The options for action are also limited if a cyst or tumor has been diagnosed. In addition to drug treatment, surgery is often necessary in this case. If the compulsive throat clearing results from an incorrect load on the vocal cords or if there is an anatomical change in the vocal cords, a visit to a logopedic therapy can help.