Diagnosis of pus pimples on the abdomen | Pimples on the belly

Diagnosis of pus pimples on the abdomen

In order to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to interview the affected person and in some cases the relatives. In technical terms, this is referred to as an own and foreign anamnesis. These questionings make it possible to already make first differentiated considerations regarding the causes of the pus pimples on the abdomen.

Then the doctor will look at and palpate the abdominal region and, if necessary, other parts of the body. The skin symptoms often give direct indications of possible causes. For example, bedbugs leave characteristic traces on the skin of the affected person.

Cat fleas also provide typical “marks”. Here, a kind of pimple marks on the affected skin area are obvious, which mark the activity of the flea. In addition, mites leave behind tortuous, millimeter-long, palpable mite passages and mite mounds at the end of the passage.

These can often be located in the navel or in the waist area. In the case of a flea sting, a triple configuration of the stings usually shows up on the skin. Besides a detailed examination of the pus pimples, further examinations may be necessary depending on the suspected diagnosis.

If necessary, a smear is taken or, if fungal disease is suspected, a scaly sample is taken. A blood sample may also be advisable. An allergy test may have to be taken if an allergy is suspected. Furthermore, childhood diseases in children – and also in some adults – must be excluded.

Pimples on the back

Pus pimples on the back can occur for similar reasons as pimples on the belly and can occur simultaneously with them. The examination measures and accompanying symptoms are similar. The treatment depends on the cause.

If the pimples do not disappear in a short period of time and other symptoms occur, a dermatologist should be consulted. In general, it is recommended to pay attention to conscientious, appropriate hygiene. A peeling for the stomach and back can remove dead skin flakes and also stimulate the blood circulation.

In the case of harmless pimples on the stomach and back with no disease value, household remedies can have a supportive effect. For example, healing earth, hot compresses and warm camomile baths are recommended. When buying outerwear, fabrics made of pure cotton should be selected if possible.

In addition, the lifestyle should be “skin-friendly”. This means that as much sleep as possible, a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients and low in fat and sugar, sufficient exercise to stimulate the blood circulation of the skin. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided if possible. At this point we recommend our main article on the topic: Pimples on the back