Pimples on the belly

What is a pus pimple on the stomach?

Pus pimples on the belly are skin symptoms that occur in the belly region or in the navel itself. In some cases they spread to other parts of the body. They can give off a watery secretion, cause itching or pain. The cause can be harmless, have no disease value and therefore require no (medical) treatment. The pus pimples on the abdomen can also be the expression of an illness or allergy, which requires appropriate (medical) measures.

Causes of pus pimples on the abdomen

Pus pimples on the abdomen can have a variety of causes. In principle, they develop just like all other pimples on the body. Their origin is based on the behavior of the sebaceous glands or an excess of sebum.

Normally, the sebaceous glands produce sebum, which is transported away through the open pores of the skin. However, if dead skin particles do not fall off the skin, cornification occurs. This causes the skin pores to become clogged.

The sebum can no longer be adequately removed. This can lead to bacterial inflammation, which manifests itself externally as pus pimples on the skin. In addition, an unbalanced diet or lifestyle can cause pustule on the abdomen and other parts of the body.

They may also occur as part of an allergic reaction. The allergenic substances can be found in new, unwashed clothes. As a rule, it is certain surfactants that are present in the garments and are released by body sweat.

This can result in pus spots on the stomach. In addition, the allergens can be present in detergents and thus get onto the skin. Furthermore, a nickel allergy can cause pimples on the stomach.

Nickel is often contained in the trouser button and in the belt buckle. The nickel ions are pulled out of the metal by body sweat and can cause skin symptoms. About every 100th man and every 10th woman is affected by this contact allergy.

A contact allergy can also be caused by navel piercings. Furthermore, pimples on the stomach can be caused by certain medications, hormonal fluctuations, food, cold, pressure or heat. Pimples on the belly can also be a late reaction to vaccinations, fungal infections, certain diseases and bites from fleas, mites, bedbugs and various insects.

Pimples on the abdomen can also occur when people shave their stomach. Shaving can irritate the skin of the abdomen, causing it to become inflamed and pus pimples can develop. Another cause of pimples is oily skin. You can find out how this develops and how to deal with oily skin under Oily skin and pimples