Diagnosis | Pimples in the vagina


If the pus pimples in the vagina appear more frequently or recurrently, a medical examination should be performed. In addition, a doctor should be contacted if there is a lack of certainty. The doctor will first take a medical history.

Afterwards he will look at the affected area in the vagina and, if other parts of the body are affected, he will also examine and palpate them. If necessary, a smear is taken to identify the pathogen. If an allergy is suspected, an appropriate allergy test is performed. If another underlying disease is suspected, a blood test and possibly further examinations are carried out. If there is a suspicion of inverse acne, other causes must be excluded.This topic might also be of interest to you: Boils on the vagina


Pus pimples in the vagina can cause a variety of complaints of varying severity. These complaints can occur suddenly or insidiously. Pus pimples have basically the same appearance as on other parts of the body.

There is a slight elevation, redness and a whitish yellowish spot in the middle of the pimple in the vagina. From mature pus pimples, purulent, watery secretion can emerge. In some cases, an unpleasant odor is noticeable.

In addition, itching, burning pain or tension pain can occur. If the pimples are scratched open, they can bleed. Depending on the degree of inflammation, surrounding structures may swell slightly or more strongly.

Depending on the cause, fever, a general feeling of discomfort or illness, increased sweating, swelling of lymph nodes and skin changes in other parts of the body may result. The pus pimples in the vagina can cause mild to severe itching. This can be very unpleasant.

However, scratching up the pimples can aggravate the inflammation or leave irreversible scars and should therefore be avoided. The itching develops due to cell-mediated processes in the body. Various messenger substances ensure that the cells can communicate with each other.

This means that the messenger substances carry a “message” to other cells until finally the brain is informed about the sensory quality of the itching. In the case of itching, one of the messenger substances is histamine, for example. This messenger substance plays an important role in allergic reactions.

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Pimples in the vagina and the associated inflammatory processes in the vagina can cause a burning pain. This can be very distressing for those affected. If there are additional problems with urination, a bladder infection should be excluded.

Bacterial inflammation can cause pain of varying intensity and quality. The pain can be present at rest, when touching, under pressure or when urinating. If the pain is unbearable, does not subside or worsens, a doctor should be consulted.