Diagnostics | Pigment spots on the forehead


Since skin cancer can also be hidden behind every pigment spot on the forehead, it is important to have it examined by a dermatologist. In most cases, a simple examination with a dermatoscope is sufficient. In special or difficult cases, a tissue sample of the pigment disorder can also be taken, which is then examined under the microscope for suspicious cells.


In itself, pigmentation marks on the forehead are harmless and do not require therapy. However, since many affected persons, especially women, often suffer from the cosmetic consequences of pigment spots, there are many different ways to hide or remove pigment spots nowadays. On the one hand, there are special camouflage creams that help to cover dark spots or bleaching creams with which dark pigmentation disorders can be lightened.

Another possibility would be special fruit acid peelings, with which one tries to remove the upper, strongly pigmented skin layers. After a few sessions, the hyperpigmentation can be removed. For very persistent hyperpigmentation (e.g. age spots), professionally applied laser treatments can also help. These gently remove the uppermost skin layers in which the hyperpigmentation is found and make it disappear. However, since laser treatments can always be accompanied by skin damage, it is important to have them performed by a specialist.


Since the most important cause of age spots and melasma is exposure to sunlight for many years, the most important method in the prevention of pigment spots is adequate sun protection at a young age. Sunscreen creams with a high sun protection factor should be used regularly and long exposure to the sun should be avoided. This is especially true for people with a genetic predisposition for pigment disorders and for pregnant women who are more at risk of developing pigment spots due to their hormonal changes.