Dizziness: Questions and Answers

Where does dizziness come from?

Dizziness often results from disturbances of the vestibular system in the inner ear or in the brain. Typical causes of these disorders are inner ear inflammation, circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, medication, sudden changes in blood pressure, lack of fluids or psychological factors.

Where does dizziness come from after standing up?

What diseases have dizziness as a symptom?

Vertigo can be a symptom of many diseases, including Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, migraine, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Anemia, medication side effects, alcohol consumption, problems with the inner ear, and circulatory problems in the brain also cause dizziness. Mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders or depression can also cause dizziness.

Most often, the cause is a change in body position, e.g. when standing up quickly. Then the blood pools in the legs and the brain is not supplied sufficiently for a short time. Problems with the organ of balance in the inner ear, blood pressure fluctuations, lack of fluids, certain medications, anxiety or neurological diseases such as a stroke sometimes also cause sudden dizziness.

What to do about dizziness in old age?

What to do for dizziness while lying down?

Which doctor for dizziness?

Your first point of contact, also for vertigo, is your family doctor. He or she can make a diagnosis and refer you to a specialist if necessary. This may be a neurologist or ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist, because dizziness is often related to disorders of the nervous system or inner ear. Both specialists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness.

Where does dizziness come from in old age?

Why dizziness in heat?

Heat often causes fluid loss because the body sweats more and loses fluids and salts. If, in addition, the blood vessels dilate to dissipate the heat, blood pressure also drops. Both cause dizziness because the brain is no longer supplied with sufficient blood and oxygen in the short term.

Why do you get dizzy when you exercise?

What home remedies help against dizziness?

Increase fluid intake and drink plenty of water if you experience dizziness. Eat regularly, many small meals spread throughout the day are best to keep blood sugar levels stable. Rest, provide fresh air, and breathe deeply in and out to relieve dizziness. In the long term, breathing exercises and gentle movements (e.g. yoga) are helpful to improve balance and reduce dizziness.

Dizziness feels like you are about to lose your balance. A feeling of unsteadiness is typical. Some people also experience dizziness as movement, even though they themselves are standing still, or as if the environment is spinning or swaying around them. Nausea, vomiting, sweating, or difficulty walking are common.

What helps quickly against dizziness?

What medications for dizziness?

Typical medications for dizziness include dimenhydrinate or betahistine. It is important that these medications are taken only in consultation with a health care provider. Dizziness is not a disease, but a symptom. Treatment of dizziness, including medication, depends on the cause or underlying condition.