Homeopathy for hives

Hives (Urticaria) is an inflammatory, allergic skin reaction that occurs suddenly (acute) but can also be chronic. The triggers for this are very diverse. They must be found and avoided. Homeopathics can alleviate existing complaints.

Forms of Urticaria

The homeopathic treatment of hives (urticaria) depends on the occurrence of the symptoms and complaints. The following forms of urticaria (hives) in homeopathy are distinguished:

  • Complaints such as pain and itching are aggravated by heat
  • Complaints are aggravated by cold
  • Complaints are aggravated by cold, accompanied by joint problems
  • Hives caused by food
  • Hives that occurs again and again

Hives with symptoms such as pain and itching are aggravated by heat

For hives with symptoms such as pain and itching aggravated by heat is used:

  • Apis mellificia (honey bee)

Urticaria with symptoms are aggravated by cold

Used to aggravate hives with symptoms that are exacerbated by cold:

  • Urtica urens (nettle)

Hives with symptoms are aggravated by cold, accompanied by joint problems

In hives with symptoms worsened by cold, accompanied by joint problems is used:

  • Acidum formicicum (formic acid)
  • Dulcamara (Bittersweet)
  • Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy)

Hives caused by food

For hives – caused by food – is used:

  • Antimonium crudum (Black spiky luster)
  • Arsenicum album (White Arsenic)

Hives that occurs again and again

For hives that occurs again and again is used:

  • Sodium muriaticum (common salt)
  • Phosphorus (Yellow Phosphorus)
  • Sullfur (Purified sulfur)
  • Calcium carbonicum (oyster shell limestone)