Do I have to take out piercings? | Clothing in MRI – What should I take off, what should I wear?

Do I have to take out piercings?

The wearing of piercings during an MRI examination is not allowed. Often the exact composition of the materials of a piercing is not known, therefore for safety reasons a piercing should be taken off. Especially piercings which contain iron, cobalt or nickel are problematic, while piercings made of titanium, plastic, glass or wood are usually no problem.

Do I have to take off jewelry for an MRT?

Jewelry should be removed during an MRI examination. Often the exact composition of the materials of the jewelry is not known. Many pieces of jewelry contain iron, cobalt and nickel, which react strongly magnetically in the magnetic field of the MRI.

The patient may be burned in the vicinity of the jewelry and the jewelry may be attracted or moved by the magnetic field. In addition, the image quality is disturbed if the jewelry is located in the area of the body part to be examined.