Drug picture | Schüssler Salt No. 10: Sodium sulfuricum

Drug picture

In the theory of Schüssler salts the so-called face analysis is found. This is based on the assumption that certain character traits consume more trace elements and electrolytes than others. This in turn leads to certain symptoms, which also manifest themselves on the face and can be recognized directly by an experienced person.

Even if the teachings of Schüssler salts are not identical with those of homeopathy, the collected external and character traits of a patient are then often referred to as the drug picture. In a person who may benefit from the use of Srium sulfuricum, external deposits on the tongue, a red to red-blueish nose and ears and an unhealthy appearing facial color such as a greenish-yellowish tint around the chin or excessively red cheeks may appear. Swollen eyes or a swollen eye area may also indicate a need for Sodium sulfuricum. Characteristic features that consume a particularly high amount of Sodium sulfuricum and can thus cause a deficiency are usually of an obsessive nature: Penitence, conscientiousness, but also stubbornness and the adherence to proven or even entrenched principles and concepts are among the typical characteristics of this drug picture.