Duration | Heart stumbling in the menopause


The occurrence of a heart stutter can vary in length and frequency. If the symptoms occur for the first time at the beginning of the menopause, this may indicate a connection with the hormonal change, but this is not dangerous. Attention should be paid to the number of symptoms.It is very important in the case of heart stumbles to see a doctor several times, for more than 30 seconds at a time, as heart disease is more likely to be the cause. The following topic could also be of interest to you: Heart stumbling after eating

Roemheld Syndrome

Roemheld syndrome describes heart complaints that occur as a reaction to pressure on the heart from the stomach or intestines. These complaints can also include extrasystoles, i.e. an additional heartbeat that is felt as a heart stumbling. The stomach and intestines are located in the stomach directly under the heart and are separated from it by the diaphragm.

If they are distended or enlarged, pressure is exerted on the heart. This pressure can be caused by heavy, bloated meals lying in the stomach, an inflammation in the stomach area or food intolerance, which in turn leads to flatulence. During the menopause, various digestive disorders occur more frequently.

If the stomach is bloated, this can also lead to pressure on the heart and consequently to heart stumbling. This would also be an example of Roemheld syndrome. To diagnose Roemheld syndrome, other heart diseases must be revealed.

This is preferably done by means of an ECG examination or a heart ultrasound. If a Roemheld syndrome is confirmed, the bloating of the abdomen can be treated with drugs such as Lefax® with Simeticon as the active ingredient to bind the gas accumulation in the intestine and thus reduce the pressure on the heart.