Duration | Heat Pickle


The length of time for which heat spots persist depends primarily on the measures taken to make them disappear. When the skin symptoms appear, one should withdraw from the heat and, above all, avoid direct sunlight. Depending on the extent of the heat spots, it may take a few days before they disappear completely.

The duration also depends on the skin type and the sensitivity of the skin. If you have to scratch a lot on the affected areas due to itching or if you continue to stay in the heat, the heat spots can persist for weeks. If you even scratch them open, they can become inflamed and in some cases even leave small scars for a lifetime.

If heat spots persist for several weeks despite taking appropriate measures, a doctor should be consulted. There may be another cause for the skin symptoms. Temperatures increase and performance decreases? Many workers wonder what their rights are in this situation.

Heat spots by region

When the child is exposed to a certain outside temperature, it begins to sweat in order to lower its own body temperature. In principle, this can happen in the area of the whole body, but most often it is the areas covered by sweat where there are more sweat glands. The back and forehead are the most common areas to be mentioned here.

If the child sweats very heavily in the area of the forehead, the sweat pores of the forehead can become blocked. Bulging areas form in the area of the skin. The so-called heat spots.

These are completely harmless and do not require further treatment. Heat spots subside when the body’s sweat production is reduced again.If there is a long-lasting pimple formation in certain areas of the skin, which does not disappear when the body temperature normalizes and the sweat in the corresponding area has evaporated, it must be considered whether the heat pimples might not be an allergic reaction (e.g. to a detergent or lotion). In case of doubt, a doctor should be consulted and questioned.

If in doubt, a doctor would take a skin swab to see if the heat spots are harmless or if they are caused by an allergic or infectious skin disease. There are numerous sweat pores in the face, which should ensure that, if necessary, appropriate sweat is secreted, which is deposited on the skin in the area of the face. As the sweat evaporates, it also cools down.

For this reason, more sweat is produced especially when the body is heated either by an increased outside temperature or by an increased inside temperature (e.g. fever in the case of an infection). After sweat has been produced and secreted via the sweat glands of the face, it can happen that the glands in the area of the face become clogged and swell, which would classically be described as heat spots. Heat pimples do not need to be treated and disappear as soon as the sweat production is reduced again.

In comparison to other areas where heat spots develop, such as the buttocks or back, the forehead and facial areas are relatively unlikely to develop heat spots. The main reason is that these areas are usually facing the air and are well ventilated. The skin area of the bottom is covered with numerous sweat glands.

Especially in babies, heat causes increased sweat production in this area. Most of the time, wearing a diaper still causes a corresponding heat accumulation, which can lead to an increased sweat production in this area. Once maximum sweat production has been reached, the sweat glands begin to bulge outwards when further sweat is produced.

Heat spots develop. These pimples often cause itching, but this soon disappears when sweat production has been reduced by decreased heat. Changing the diaper regularly also prevents heat spots. Further topic that might arouse your interest: skin rash.