Duration | Inflammation of the breast


In order to make a statement about the duration of the disease, a distinction must be made between mastitis within and outside the breastfeeding period. During the breastfeeding period, mastitis can heal completely on its own or with local measures within a short time. Even if an antibiotic must be taken, the symptoms usually subside within days.

In the case of mastitis outside the breastfeeding period, the symptoms also subside quickly if antibiotics or prolactin inhibitors are taken for non-bacterial causes. However, with this form of mastitis, the risk of recurrence, i.e. the risk of mastitis recurring, is high, which is why great importance should be attached to a sufficiently long therapy. In addition, a sufficiently long therapy duration reduces the risk of the development of a chronic inflammation of the breast and the development of a breast abscess. If, however, an abscess has developed during the course of the inflammation of the breast, the healing time will be extended. Since an abscess must always be drained by means of a puncture or a small skin incision, the duration of the wound healing process is added to the regular duration of the disease, which can vary greatly from person to person.

When do you need antibiotics?

An antibiotic should be prescribed for any bacterial cause of mastitis. In case of mastitis during breastfeeding, one first tries to positively influence the inflammation for about 24-28 hours with local measures and emptying of the breast. However, if these measures do not result in an improvement, an antibiotic should be prescribed without delay, as it is only effective in the early stages. Penicillinase-resistant penicillins or cephalosporins are given for treatment. The symptoms often improve rapidly when antibiotics are taken.

What effect do household remedies have?

Home remedies are mainly used for local therapy. The cooling of the breast, which has an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect, can be achieved with the help of curd wraps, for example. Alternatively, ice packs, natural honey or acetic clay can be used.

White cabbage leaves in the bra create an even and long-lasting pleasant cooling effect. They also have a medicinal effect by having a positive influence on milk congestion, which is often the cause of inflammation. In order to facilitate breastfeeding in the case of mastitis during the breastfeeding period, heat can be used.

A hot shower or a red light lamp is a good choice here. In order to bring calm to the focus of the inflammation, a tight bra is recommended so that as little movement as possible affects the breast. In addition to the measures that act directly on the skin, home remedies can also be used to reduce milk production.

Drinking at least two cups of hibiscus, peppermint or sage tea a day can reduce the production of milk secretion. Of course, during the acute inflammation, sufficient rest and fluid intake should be ensured in order to optimally support the body in fighting the inflammation. In the case of inflammation of the mammary glands outside the breastfeeding period, household remedies should be used to support the drug therapy, if necessary.