Duration | Mastitis puerperalis


The duration of the disease depends strongly on the stage of the inflammation and the accompanying symptoms. A mild milk stasis with initial inflammation can often be cured within a few days by a few measures. Even moderately severe inflammation of the breast can heal within a few days to weeks once the causes have been eliminated. In the case of severe courses, antibiotic therapy must be administered. This in turn requires about half a week before an effect occurs.

Breast abscess

One speaks of an abscess when there is a purulent inflammation that accumulates and encapsulates itself in a certain area. In mastitis puerperalis, an abscess cavity develops in the breast, which fills with pus and in which the tissue melts. In some courses, the inflammation can escape from the capsule and spread diffusely over the breast tissue.

This is a much more dangerous variant of the inflammation and must be treated with antibiotics. In this case one speaks of a “phlegmon”. These articles could also be interesting for you:

  • Pus from the nipple
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