Effect | Medicinal herbs and medicinal plants


Effective medicines of today have their origin in medicinal plants. Herbal medicines are produced from medicinal plants or from parts of them, whose active ingredients may consist of various healing or non-healing substances. The different parts of the plant are flowers, stems, roots and herb.

In order to cultivate medicinal herbs rich in active ingredients, the time of harvest must be observed or the plant must be in a certain growth phase. After drying at 80°C, the medicinal herbs are stored in a cool and dark place. A specified active ingredient content of the medicinal plant must be achieved during cultivation.

The medicinal plants are then pulverized and ground. Tinctures, extracts, essential oils and pressed juices are produced. Herbal medicines can also be obtained from fresh medicinal plants, for example: pressed juices.

To preserve them, alcohol is added to them. The herbal material must be controlled again and again to minimize contamination and stress of the medicinal plants. The effectiveness of the medicinal herbs is proven in studies.

It must be proven that the effective substances of the medicinal herbs reach the corresponding organs and can work successfully. Decisive ingredients are, for example: In addition to the healing ingredients of the medicinal herbs, the plants also contain fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, vital unsaturated fatty acids, oils and waxes with a high proportion in some medicinal herbs have been found.

  • Milk Thistle – Silymarin
  • Horse Chestnut – Aescin
  • Lily of the valley – heart glycosides
  • Ginseng – Ginsenoids
  • St. John’s wort – Hypericin hyperforin
  • Chamomile – Apigenium-7-glucoside, eth. Oil
  • Devil’s Claw – Harpagoside
  • Sun hat – Echinacoside
  • Valerian – valerenic acid