Effect of the thumb orthosis | Thumb Orthosis

Effect of the thumb orthosis

A thumb orthosis works mechanically and prevents painful movements or movements that prevent the healing process. It stabilises the affected region by means of certain components (aluminium/plastic plates) and causes immobilisation. The degree of immobilization can vary depending on the type of orthosis.

Parts that fix the orthosis to the wrist are usually elastic and allow continued or renewed use of the hand without pain. The movement-related pain is significantly relieved. Inflammatory reactions or injuries can heal better in this position and regress.

In rhizarthrosis, immobilization and pain relief is the main focus. Unfortunately, however, there is no healing or regeneration of the wear and tear. The fixed part of this orthosis immobilizes the thumb saddle joint (and usually the metacarpophalangeal joint).

Should I wear an orthosis at night as well?

Depending on the clinical picture, the orthosis should also be worn at night. Particularly after operations, injuries and in cases of over-stimulation, wearing the orthosis for a longer period of time can contribute to faster healing. The prescriptions and advice of the treating physician should be followed. Rhizarthrosis can make permanent wearing (also at night) necessary. If the acute symptoms diminish, the orthosis can be removed on a trial basis.

Can I drive it?

The question of driving is difficult to answer. The ability to drive is given if there is no restriction while driving. Especially in dangerous situations, the orthosis must not cause any obstruction. In most cases there is no severe disability, but insurance-related problems can still arise in the event of an accident.

What must be observed when wearing the orthosis?

In the initial phase, special attention must be paid to whether the orthosis is well adapted. Thumb orthoses that are too small can lead to pressure points, blood and lymph drainage problems or skin defects. This can further intensify existing complaints.

An orthosis that is too large and does not fit properly cannot provide adequate immobilization. This can prolong the healing process or prevent movement pain. In the case of rhizarthroses, a period of acclimatization may be necessary at the beginning of therapy.

The orthosis can then be removed for a certain period of time. After this acclimatisation period, however, the patient usually benefits from the long-term stabilisation. The joint/the acute inflammatory reaction can “calm down”. After operations or injuries, the orthosis should only be worn as long as prescribed by the doctor. Wearing the orthosis for too long will lead to stiffening and limited mobility of the joint(s).


Thumb orthoses can be purchased in medical supply stores. Depending on the manufacturer and material or specification, a thumb orthosis costs between 30-60 €. For some indications (e.g. after surgery, in case of rhizarthrosis, rupture of the ulnar ligament) specialists and general practitioners can prescribe an orthosis.

On presentation of a prescription, the appropriate orthosis can then be obtained from a medical supply store. Depending on the health insurance company, the full amount is covered or a deductible, which is usually relatively low, is required.