Ethyl Acetate


Ethyl acetate is available as a pure substance, for example, in pharmacies. It is contained in numerous products, for example in many nail polish removers without acetone.

Structure and properties

Ethyl acetate (C4H8O2, Mr = 88.1 g/mol) exists as a colorless liquid with a fruity odor that is soluble in water. It is the ester of acetic acid with ethanol. Ethyl acetate also occurs naturally, for example in fruits and in wine.

Areas of application

  • As a solvent and extraction agent.
  • Ethyl acetate is often found in acetone-free nail polish removers.
  • Used in the manufacture of perfumes, paints and adhesives.


Ethyl acetate can be misused as a sniffing agent. Due to the undesirable effects, it is strongly discouraged.

Adverse effects

Ethyl acetate and its vapor are highly flammable. The solvent may irritate the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. When inhaled in high doses, it may cause drowsiness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Repeated contact may cause brittle or cracked skin due to degreasing. The appropriate precautions in the Material Safety Data Sheet should be observed.