Homeopathics for sensitivity disorders, tingling and numbness | Homeopathy for a HWS syndrome

Homeopathics for sensitivity disorders, tingling and numbness

Dizziness, headaches, especially at the back of the head. Great restlessness preferred in the legs but also in the arms, inner trembling. The patient must move constantly, numbness.

The patient complains of general weakness, is grumpy and withdrawn. Typical for Zincum is the aggravation of all complaints by alcohol consumption and restlessness in the legs. After eating and through mental exertion the complaints become stronger.

Movement outdoors improves. Pain and weakness in arms and legs, in the neck and in the whole spine. Shivering of limbs. Arms and legs fall asleep, feel cold, numbness. Change of symptoms from right to left.

Homeopathic remedies for dizziness

Dizziness, associated with a general feeling of shattering and muscle pain, which gets worse when the head is moved. After accidents involving the cervical spine. All complaints are aggravated by any movement and vibration.

Dizziness in the case of occipital pain, worsened by movement, vibration, noise and when standing up from a horizontal position. Dizziness associated with exhaustion, weakness and nausea.