Feeling of Fullness: Causes, Therapy, Home Remedies

Brief overview

  • What is fullness? Feeling of a full belly.
  • Causes: too rich, fatty, sweet and/or hasty food, pregnancy, diseases in the digestive tract (e.g. gastritis, irritable stomach, irritable bowel, gastric ulcer, food intolerance, acute hepatitis, gallstones), right heart weakness, antibiotics.
  • Feeling of fullness – what to do? Frequent or constant feeling of fullness should be clarified by a doctor – especially if it is unexplained (e.g. occurs even after small meals) and/or is accompanied by other complaints (such as nausea, vomiting, weight loss).
  • Therapy: Treatment of underlying diseases that cause the feeling of fullness (medications, surgical procedures, etc.), if necessary symptomatic therapy (e.g. with deflating or digestive agents).
  • Home remedies & tips: e.g. avoid foods that are too rich, too fatty and too sweet, eat slowly and don’t talk too much on the side, avoid stress, relaxation methods, exercise, medicinal herbal teas (e.g. caraway, fennel, peppermint), heat treatments, massage

Bloating: Causes

In many cases, bloating has harmless causes. Sometimes, for example, it is due to a large, hearty meal or hasty gulping down of food. Bloating during pregnancy is also not uncommon and no cause for concern.

However, the unpleasant feeling of a full belly can be a sign of illness.

Acute feeling of fullness after eating generally only indicates that you have overstrained the digestive tract. Sumptuous and high-fat meals such as Wiener schnitzel with French fries or roast pork with cream sauce mean a lot of work for the stomach and intestines. This often makes itself felt with an unpleasant pressure in the upper abdomen and a feeling of fullness.

Sweets such as a large piece of Black Forest cake can also overload the digestive tract.

Also a challenge for our digestion are flatulent foods such as legumes, cabbage, cucumbers, onions and fresh bread, as well as carbonated beverages: They increase the gas content in the digestive tract, with the gases trapped in small bubbles in the digestive pulp.

The same happens with hasty eating and animated conversation while eating (air swallowing!). The large amount of gas in the digestive tract is often reflected in temporary bloating and flatulence.

Bloating during pregnancy

The growing baby in the belly pushes up against the stomach. Many expectant mothers therefore feel full to the brim even after small meals (in addition: the stomach, which is pushed upwards, presses on the lungs, which is why pregnant women are often short of breath).

Feeling of fullness as a sign of a disease

Frequent or constant feeling of fullness is sometimes caused by a disease in different organ areas:

Diseases in the area of the stomach

  • Irritable stomach: it manifests itself, for example, with a premature feeling of satiety and fullness even after eating very little. The symptoms often occur in or after stressful situations.
  • Gastritis: Pain, pressure and a feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen, nausea and possibly vomiting can signal acute gastritis. Chronic gastritis shows no or few symptoms.
  • Gastric ulcer: Typical symptoms include pressure in the stomach or upper abdomen, burning or probing pain and fullness in the upper abdomen, nausea and sometimes vomiting. They increase immediately after eating.
  • Stomach cancer: Especially in the beginning, the symptoms resemble gastritis. In addition, there is an acute aversion to certain foods (such as meat) as well as weight loss.
  • Gastroparesis (= flaccid paralysis of gastric motility): In this case, the food pulp is released to the intestine at a slower rate, which produces a feeling of fullness, among other symptoms. Gastroparesis is usually caused by nerve damage in diabetes (diabetic neuropathy).

Diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas

  • Gallstones: If symptoms do occur, they are often nonspecific symptoms in the upper abdomen such as pain, a feeling of pressure and fullness, flatulence and belching. In more severe cases, there are severe cramp-like pains in the middle and upper abdomen (biliary colic).
  • Chronic pancreatitis: a chronically inflamed pancreas secretes fewer digestive enzymes, which impairs the utilization of food. Bloating and fatty, foul-smelling stools are possible consequences.

Diseases of the intestine

  • Irritable bowel syndrome: The symptoms are variable – constipation and/or diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, loss of appetite and dull, pressing or cramping abdominal pain often occur in varying degrees.
  • Food intolerance: bloating is one of the possible symptoms of, for example, lactose intolerance, acquired fructose intolerance and gluten intolerance (celiac disease).
  • Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine: The unusually high bacterial density in the small intestine causes bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, and foul-smelling diarrhea. Possible causes: e.g. diabetes, hypothyroidism, certain intestinal surgeries.
  • Intestinal infection: sometimes the feeling of fullness is due to an infection of the intestine with fungi or Giardia lamblia (Giardiasis).

Possible triggers of intestinal atony include mechanical bowel obstruction, peritonitis, appendicitis, kidney stones, acute obstruction of an intestinal vessel (mesenteric infarction), and some medications such as anticholinergics (for asthma, irritable bladder, dementia).

Other diseases and therapies

  • Right heart failure: this form of heart failure may present with symptoms including digestive symptoms. It includes loss of appetite, bloating and nausea, bloated abdomen and constipation.
  • Antibiotic therapy: This can upset the intestinal flora (the entirety of all intestinal bacteria; mainly colonizes the large intestine) in such a way that symptoms such as bloating occur.

Bloating and air in the stomach: psychological causes and influences

The psyche has a great influence on our digestive system. This is evident, for example, in gastrointestinal disorders without organic cause, such as irritable bowel syndrome and irritable stomach.

But even in otherwise healthy people, stress and anxiety can promote digestive complaints such as bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain or diarrhea – for example, by increasing the secretion of gastric acid, slowing down digestive activity through strong tension and cramping, or stimulating intestinal motility.

Feeling of fullness: Therapy

Alternatively or as a supplement, physicians can treat bloating and flatulence symptomatically. Medications containing simeticon, for example, help against flatulence, or butylscopolamine against painful “trapped” wind (air in the intestine cannot escape). However, such preparations are not always effective or sometimes cause discomfort themselves (such as flatulence) when used more frequently.

Here are some examples of treatment strategies depending on the cause of bloating:

Treatment of irritable stomach

What helps here are often drugs that inhibit the release of gastric acid (proton pump inhibitors) and promote gastrointestinal motility (prokinetics). Herbal preparations (phytotherapeutics) as well as cumin and peppermint oil can also relieve bloating and other symptoms.

If an infection with the stomach germ Helicobacter pylori can be detected, a so-called eradication therapy with antibiotics can be useful.

If the irritable stomach is accompanied by an underlying mental illness such as an anxiety disorder or depression, the treating physician can prescribe suitable medication to counteract it (e.g. antidepressants).

You can read more about the various treatment options under Irritable Stomach Treatment.

Irritable bowel treatment

If necessary, the attending physician can also prescribe medications, for example against diarrhea (e.g., loperamide) or against flatulence (e.g., simeticon). Probiotics – live “good” intestinal bacteria (such as lactic acid bacteria) ingested by mouth that support healthy intestinal flora – are also suitable for relieving bloating and flatulence.

Sometimes antidepressants also help with irritable bowel syndrome to relieve abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea – as well as any accompanying sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression. Some patients also benefit from psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy or hypnotherapy (hypnosis).

Read more about the topic under Irritable Bowel Treatment.

Treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer

If a feeling of fullness and other digestive complaints are the result of acute gastritis, in mild cases, short-term food restriction or a light diet as well as home remedies such as a chamomile rolling cure (see below) are sufficient.

In more severe cases, doctors prescribe medications such as proton pump inhibitors (inhibit the release of stomach acid). You can read more about the treatment of an inflamed stomach lining under Gastritis therapy.

Treatment of food intolerance

Anyone who has been proven to suffer from celiac disease must follow a gluten-free diet on a permanent basis. Then symptoms such as flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloating usually disappear. You can find out more about this topic under celiac disease treatment.

If you experience symptoms such as flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain due to lactose intolerance, you should eliminate milk and dairy products from your diet or consume them only in quantities that you can tolerate (test!). The same applies to the many foods to which lactose may be added.

If you do want a slice of cheesecake or a pizza, you can prevent bloating, flatulence and other complaints by taking lactase tablets. You can read more about this under lactose intolerance treatment.

People with acquired fructose intolerance should also consume (test) the critical foods (containing fructose) only in the individually tolerated amount. This individual tolerance of fructose can be increased by combining it with glucose, protein or fat. You can read more about this under Fructose intolerance treatment.

In the rare congenital fructose intolerance, fructose is completely taboo.

Treatment for inflamed pancreas or liver

In addition, digestion can be stimulated with drugs containing pancreatic enzymes – this helps to relieve bloating and fatty stools, for example. You can read more about these and other therapeutic measures (e.g. surgery) under Chronic pancreatitis – treatment.

Patients with acute liver inflammation must also avoid alcohol. In consultation with the attending physician, patients should also avoid drugs that damage the liver in order to relieve the organ. In addition, the treatment of acute hepatitis depends on the cause, course and severity of the inflammation. You can find out more about this under Hepatitis treatment.

Treatment for bacterial overgrowth

When an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine triggers symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain and fatty stools, most patients are helped by 10 to 14 days of antibiotic therapy. To prevent a relapse, the treating physician may also recommend a diet of high-fat, low-carbohydrate and low-fiber foods to affected individuals.

If necessary, physicians may also prescribe vitamin or mineral supplements to compensate for corresponding deficiencies. Such deficiencies may develop if the small intestine has been malabsorbed for months or years.

What else helps against flatulence and bloating?

Nutritional and behavioral tips

  • Avoid sumptuous, too fatty and too sweet foods. Especially in the evening it should be only a small portion and light food.
  • If possible, also avoid foods that cause flatulence (e.g. lentils, beans, cabbage vegetables, onions, fresh bread) and carbonated drinks if you are prone to bloating and flatulence.
  • Use digestive and anti-flatulence spices such as cumin, fennel, coriander, basil, lovage, oregano or parsley in your meals.
  • Raw vegetables are difficult for some people to digest. Blanching or steaming vegetables makes them easier to digest and helps prevent gas and bloating.
  • Don’t gulp down your food, but chew each bite well and don’t talk too much on the side. Otherwise, too much air will end up in your stomach and intestines, which will then become unpleasantly noticeable as a feeling of fullness and bloated belly.
  • Do not use a straw for your drinks and also avoid chewing gum. This will also prevent too much air from getting into the stomach and intestines.
  • Exercise is usually good for bloating and a distended stomach. It makes sense to take a digestive walk, for example, right after a meal. Exercise stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, which can prevent bloating and the accumulation of too much air in the stomach or abdomen.
  • Often, bloating, pressure in the upper abdomen, flatulence and other digestive or stomach problems are caused by stress. What helps then are often targeted relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation.

Medicinal plants

Many people rely on home remedies for flatulence and bloating, primarily based on medicinal plants. Examples:

  • Caraway, fennel and peppermint have antispasmodic and antiflatulent effects. So as a tea, they are a good remedy if bloating or mild gastrointestinal cramps plague you or your upper or lower abdomen is distended. In the pharmacy there are also ready-made preparations based on these medicinal plants (e.g. caraway tincture or peppermint oil capsules).
  • Ginger is also suitable for mild digestive complaints such as flatulence, bloating and nausea. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and bile as well as intestinal function. You can drink ginger tea or take ginger capsules from the pharmacy for this purpose.
  • Chamomile, with its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic ingredients, is another proven herb for gastrointestinal complaints such as flatulence, bloating and cramps.
  • Artichokes are recommended for digestive complaints such as bloating, flatulence and nausea, triggered by poor liver function. They can be used, for example, as a tea or fresh plant juice.
  • Turmeric (turmeric) can also effectively combat digestive complaints such as bloating and flatulence. The use as a tea is not very common. More effective are ready-made preparations with turmeric such as capsules or dragées.
  • Dandelion is recommended by herbal medicine for digestive complaints (such as bloating, flatulence) – especially in connection with disorders of bile flow. It is often used as a tea, sometimes in the form of ready-made preparations.

Heat & Massage

In many cases, heat is also a beneficial remedy for the feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen or when the abdomen is bloated. The easiest way is a hot water bottle on the belly – or a spelt pillow or cherry stone bag warmed up between hot water bottles or in the microwave.

However, you can also make a warm compress or wrap for the abdomen (moist or dry) for bloating, flatulence and mild abdominal cramps. This has a relaxing, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. You can read more about the effect and use of this home remedy in the article Wraps (compresses) and compresses.

The effect of an abdominal poultice or poultice can be increased by the power of medicinal plants. For example, a warm and moist chamomile compress is recommended. You can find out how to make this compress and use it correctly here.

Bloating: When to see a doctor?

A feeling of fullness after a sumptuous, high-fat or high-sugar meal or during pregnancy is generally no cause for concern. However, if you are plagued by frequent or constant bloating and possibly a thick, distended abdomen, there may be a disease behind it – especially if the symptoms occur even after small meals. The same applies if the feeling of fullness is accompanied by other symptoms, for example stomach pain or nausea and vomiting. Then you should go to the doctor. The first point of contact is the family doctor.

Bloating: examinations & diagnosis

The doctor will first take your medical history in a detailed conversation (anamnesis). For this purpose, he will inquire in more detail about your complaints as well as your lifestyle and dietary habits. He may also ask if you have any pre-existing conditions, are using medication and/or are under a lot of stress or psychological strain.