Fresh air for headaches | Home remedies for headaches

Fresh air for headaches

Exercise in the fresh air is considered by many to be the household remedy for headaches. Often, just 20 minutes in the fresh air can help you feel like a new person when you’ve been sitting at your desk all day. The oxygen supply is better in the fresh air.

Exercise stimulates the circulation and muscles. The blood circulation is increased. The eyes are also relieved. Often, constant close vision at the desk also leads to headaches.

Drink a lot for headaches

Who does not drink enough, gets a headache. Most people would probably subscribe to this fact. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a lot when having a headache.

This is actually true to a certain extent. Dehydration of the nerve cells in the brain can actually cause headaches. If the fluid balance is replenished, the headache will also disappear. This also applies, for example, to headaches after drinking alcohol. The alcohol withdraws fluid from the body and the person concerned suffers from headaches as a result.

Alternating shower for headaches

In an alternating shower, you take three alternating showers with warm and cold water; the best way is to shower from the feet up over the whole body. These alternating showers have a very circulation stimulating effect. They increase blood circulation and have a pain-relieving effect. Therefore they are often used for headaches. Alternating showers can also be very effective against migraines.

Willow bark against headaches

Willow bark is a medicinal plant that contains salicylates in large quantities. This is also the basis of the famous painkiller Aspirin®, which consists of acetylsalicylic acid or ASS for short. This explains the analgesic effect of willow bark.

It can be taken either as tea with a slightly bitter taste or in the form of capsules or tablets. Willow bark works very well. However, it is not recommended for children. People who take blood-thinning medication should also avoid willow bark for headaches.