Forms | Hearing loss (Hypacusis)


The cause of hearing loss can be found in different places of the complicated ear. A rough subdivision into conductive and sensorineural hearing loss can give an indication of the location of the damage.

  • Conductive hearing loss (conductive hearing loss)Conductive hearing loss is caused by a disturbance in the transmission of sound in the outer or middle ear.

    In many cases the cause is quickly found and can be relatively well treated. One example is the removal of earwax (cerumen) by the ENT physician.

  • Sensorineural hearing loss (sensorineural hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss)In this case, damage is located in the area of the inner ear, i.e. the cochlea or directly on the auditory nerve (vestibulocochlear nerve). The nerve tracts leading to the brain can also be damaged and cause a sound sensation disorder. A therapy can be tried if the cause is in the inner ear. However, the prognosis for the sound sensation disorder is generally worse.
  • Outer ear
  • Eardrum
  • Organ of equilibrium
  • Auditory nerve (acoustic nerve)
  • Tube
  • Mastoid process (mastoid)

Acute or chronic hearing loss

The decisive factor in the treatment of hearing loss is whether it is sudden (acute) or has been present for a long time (chronic). It is essential that the specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine is informed of this in order to make a correct diagnosis.Sudden hearing deterioration or deafness are emergencies and require immediate examination by an ENT physician.