Generalized anxiety disorder


anxiety disorder, phobia, aversion


A generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by a diffuse anxiety with tension, anxiety and apprehension about everyday events and problems over a period of at least six months, accompanied by many other psychological and physical symptoms.


About 4% of the total population suffer from generalized anxiety disorder. Women become ill slightly more often than men. The diagnosis should be made by a psychologist, a psychiatrist or by a therapist experienced in the subject.

In general it can be said that one must suffer from the above mentioned symptoms on almost all days for at least 6 months in order to meet the criteria for the diagnosis of “generalized anxiety disorder”. In the case of generalized anxiety disorder, there is usually no concrete cause for the patient to be overly concerned. Nevertheless, the clinical picture is very often characterized by permanent “worrying”.

These worries are clearly exaggerated and cannot be controlled by the person, i.e. even if he or she tries to push these thoughts away and think of something else, they always force themselves upon him or her. The stressing factor here is, in addition to the circulating thoughts, the physical symptoms which haunt the patient again and again and can last for hours in different intensity and intensity. In addition, a feeling of restlessness or constant “being on the go”, easy fatigue, concentration difficulties, irritability, increased muscle tension (back pain, neck pain or tension headaches) and sleep disorders can occur.
