Green Coffee


Green coffee is commercially available in many countries in the form of capsules, powder and toffees from various suppliers, among others.


Green coffee is made from raw and unroasted coffee beans. The powder or extracts are used. The effects are primarily attributed to the high content of chlorogenic acids. According to some sources, caffeine is also involved in the effects. Chlorogenic acids are esters of hydroxycinnamic acids with quinic acid. The best known representative is chlorogenic acid itself, an ester of caffeic acid and quinic acid. Roasting reduces the amount of chlorogenic acids, which is why green coffee is used.


Anti-adipose properties are attributed to the preparations of green coffee. The chlorogenic acids have an effect on glucose and lipid metabolism. For example, they inhibit the absorption of glucose and reduce the storage of carbohydrates. In our opinion, the clinical efficacy for the treatment of obesity has not yet been sufficiently scientifically proven. An important study by Vinson et al (2012), which showed a strong weight loss, had to be withdrawn two years later due to irregularities.

Indications for use

For the treatment of overweight and obesity.


According to the package leaflet. The preparations are usually taken before meals.

Adverse effects

We do not have complete information on precautions and adverse effects.