Hair loss during pregnancy | Hair Loss

Hair loss during pregnancy

Hair loss during pregnancy is less frequent than after pregnancy. Due to the many estrogens, the hair usually becomes more beautiful and longer. However, some women experience hair loss especially in the first third of pregnancy.

However, this is reversible and the hair will grow back completely. One reason for hair loss can be an iron deficiency, which can be improved with iron tablets after consulting the doctor and determining the amount of iron in the blood. In addition to iron deficiency, stress or anxiety can also trigger or increase hair loss.

Hair loss during the nursing period

Breastfeeding itself has no proven influence on increased hair loss. Therefore, one should never stop breastfeeding just to minimize hair loss!Many women suffer from hair loss after pregnancy because the body’s hormone balance has to reorganize itself again. For example, due to a lack of iron or a drop in oestrogen levels, the hair falls out earlier than usual. Even if this seems frightening, you can rest assured that your hair will grow back again. The length of time varies greatly from woman to woman, but usually the hair loss subsides within a few months.

Summary Topic Hair Loss

Hair loss is a quite common disorder with many different causes. Different diseases must be taken into account. Overall, the treatment of hair loss must be adapted individually.