Cleaning and Care of Mature Skin: Cleaning and Care of Aging Skin

The skin is not only a reflection of the soul, but also of the nutrient and vital substance supply.Despite a rich, wholesome food supply, however, a sufficient individual vital substance supply is not always guaranteed. An insufficient supply of vital substances can, for example, be caused by incorrect food preparation or by an individual need … Cleaning and Care of Mature Skin: Cleaning and Care of Aging Skin

Skin Aging: Symptoms

Typical signs of skin aging are: Wrinkles Sagging Atrophy (shrinkage, or reduction in cell mass). Yellowish discoloration Lipid deficiency (lack of fats) Irregular pigmentation Skin The skin of age is sensitive to dehydration. The secretion of sweat decreases with age. The level of sebum on the skin decreases. The ability of old skin to adapt … Skin Aging: Symptoms

Aging Skin (Mature Skin)

Aging skin (ICD-10 L98.9: Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified) is associated with a loss of collagen and elastin fibers. This leads to: Loss of moisture and elasticity Loss of skin tone – the first sign of this decreasing skin tone is the symptom of skin dimpling in obesity, as well as in … Aging Skin (Mature Skin)

Skin Diseases in Old Age

The following are the main diseases or complications that may be contributed by skin aging: Age spots (lentigo senilis). Desiccation eczema (exsiccation eczema). Itching due to old age (pruritus senilis) Age warts – seborrheic keratosis Actinic keratosis – chronic damage to the keratinized epidermis, caused by many years of intense exposure to sunlight (actinic = … Skin Diseases in Old Age

Therapy the Mature Skin: Hormone Cosmetics

The skin is a hormone-dependent organ. It has steroid hormone receptors through which estrogens, progesterone and testosterone dock and can thus exert their effect. Hormone deficiencies can thus lead to dermatological problems. The modes of action It is considered certain that hormone therapies or supplemental hormone treatments have a beneficial effect on: Quality of the … Therapy the Mature Skin: Hormone Cosmetics

Laser Therapy: Effects

The word laser – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation – is an abbreviation from the English language, which translates to “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. The name of the laser indicates which medium is used to generate the laser light. Sunlight contains light of different colors, that is, of different wavelengths. … Laser Therapy: Effects