CAD/CAM Dentures

CAD/CAM dentures are the fabrication of crowns, bridges or implant accessories using computer-aided technology. Both the design (CAD: Computer Aided Design) and the manufacture (CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing) are carried out with the aid of intelligent software programs and by milling units networked with them. The prerequisite for this was the rapid developments in computer … CAD/CAM Dentures

Cover Denture Prosthesis

An overdenture (synonyms: cover denture prosthesis, coverdenture, overdenture, hybrid prosthesis, overlay denture) is used to replace the teeth of a jaw. It is a combination of a removable element and one or more elements that are fixed in the mouth. An overlay denture has the same shape and dimensions as a complete denture (full denture) … Cover Denture Prosthesis

Replacement Prosthesis

A replacement denture (synonyms: second denture, duplicate denture) is a dental prosthesis that is used to bridge periods of time when the higher quality, permanently worn denture is not available. The fabrication of a replacement prosthesis makes sense in order to be safe from imponderables that one would otherwise have to endure toothless and thus … Replacement Prosthesis

Extension Bridge

An extension bridge (synonyms: free-end bridge, trailer bridge) is used to restore a shortened or interrupted row of teeth by attaching a pontic to two interlocked crowns. The extension of the bridge is strictly limited by the special features of the bridge statics. Bridge statics Due to the structural requirements of an extension bridge explained … Extension Bridge

Fixed Bridge

A bridge is used to restore a gap between teeth. In order to cement a fixed bridge to replace one or more teeth, the teeth intended as bridge abutments must be prepared (ground) to receive a crown or partial crown. The abutment teeth must largely match in the alignment of their longitudinal axis. In principle, … Fixed Bridge

Galvanic Crowns and Bridges

Galvano crowns and bridges are restorations made of ceramics whose inner surfaces are made of a thin layer of fine gold produced by electroplating. The technique combines the esthetic advantages of a ceramic crown with the advantage of a cast gold crown, which is that it can be used with conventional luting cements such as … Galvanic Crowns and Bridges


A facebow (synonyms: transfer bow, transfer arch) is a transfer device used in the fabrication of crowns, bridges or dentures, among other things. The facebow is used to determine the positional relationship of the upper jaw to the temporomandibular joints and to the base of the skull and to transfer this information to the articulator … Facebow

Split Bridge

In order to place a bridge to replace one or more teeth, the teeth intended as bridge abutments must largely match in the alignment of their long axes. If the difference is too great, there is a risk that the pulp (tooth pulp) will be damaged by the preparation (grinding). This can be avoided by … Split Bridge

Interim Prosthesis Options for Dental Implants

An interim prosthesis (synonyms: transitional prosthesis, provisional prosthesis, temporary prosthesis) is a simple, removable partial denture (partial denture) used to replace missing teeth. Its service life is limited to the wound healing phase after surgery until a definitive (final) restoration is made. During the wound healing phase after a tooth extraction (tooth removal), not only … Interim Prosthesis Options for Dental Implants

Ceramic Partial Crown

A partial ceramic crown is a tooth-colored restoration fabricated indirectly (outside the mouth) for which the tooth to be restored is prepared (ground) using a specific technique and adhesively cemented (by mechanical anchorage in microscopic pores) with special materials matched to the ceramic material and tooth hard tissue. Over many decades, cast restorations have established … Ceramic Partial Crown

Model Casting Prosthesis

A model cast denture is a removable partial denture (partial denture, partial prosthesis), the stabilizing base of which is manufactured from a cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy using the one-piece casting process. In the simple case, a model cast denture (synonyms: one-piece cast denture, cast-in denture, unitor denture) is anchored to the remaining teeth by means of cast … Model Casting Prosthesis

Denture Relining

Denture relining – called relining for short – improves the fit, support and function of an existing denture by readjusting it to changed conditions of the surrounding soft tissues and the supporting jawbone. The oral mucosa and the jawbone it covers are subjected to constant pressure by a denture. A denture must therefore distribute this … Denture Relining