Progressive form of caries | How can caries be cured?

Progressive form of caries If a deep caries is not healed early, the so-called penetrating caries (caries penetrans) develops. The infestation extends through the dentin to the pulp cavity (pulp cavity), the pulp is thus in direct contact with the caries-causing bacteria. These bacteria lead to inflammation, damage the pulp and the nerve fibres within … Progressive form of caries | How can caries be cured?

Can caries heal by itself, without a dentist? | How can caries be cured?

Can caries heal by itself, without a dentist? Caries can be inactivated if the bacteria cannot continue to work and thus cannot further destroy the tooth. If this is a small superficial caries, it can be left under observation. If it is a larger lesion, the tooth is porous and possibly perforated. No endogenous substance … Can caries heal by itself, without a dentist? | How can caries be cured?

Caries on wisdom tooth

Introduction – What is caries of the wisdom tooth? In adolescence, caries is the main cause of tooth loss. Caries is a disease of the hard tooth substance, which is caused by the interaction of several factors (mainly bacterial plaque, food residues and poor oral hygiene). The position of the wisdom teeth as the last … Caries on wisdom tooth

These symptoms may indicate caries of the wisdom tooth | Caries on wisdom tooth

These symptoms may indicate caries of the wisdom tooth Pain Discoloration Loss of substance (“hole in the tooth”) Unpleasant taste and bad breath In advanced carious lesions, pain is caused by irritation of the dental nerve. Pain can occur especially when chewing or after eating sweets. But not every caries disease necessarily causes pain. For … These symptoms may indicate caries of the wisdom tooth | Caries on wisdom tooth

Prognosis for wisdom tooth decay | Caries on wisdom tooth

Prognosis for wisdom tooth decay In general, the earlier caries is discovered and treated, the better the prognosis for the tooth in question. Deep dentine caries involving the pulp is the least favorable, while small enamel caries is the least problematic. Therefore, especially in the posterior area of the molars should be brushed especially well. … Prognosis for wisdom tooth decay | Caries on wisdom tooth

Symptoms of caries

Introduction The symptoms of caries always depend on the stage of the disease. The preliminary stage of “real caries” is decalcification processes in which minerals are released from the tooth enamel. These decalcifications can be recognized as small white spots, so-called “white spots” on the tooth surface. In some cases, even at this stage, dark … Symptoms of caries

Where do the caries bacteria come from? | Caries through breastfeeding

Where do the caries bacteria come from? Among the bacteria of the oral cavity, one bacterium is scientifically the protagonist in the development of caries. The caries leading bacterium Streptococcus mutans is the main responsible germ for the most common infectious disease on earth and is present in almost every human oral cavity. This bacterium … Where do the caries bacteria come from? | Caries through breastfeeding

Causes of caries

Caries or colloquially “tooth decay” is today one of the most widespread diseases of the teeth and the periodontium, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) it is even one of the most common infectious diseases worldwide. However, many people still do not know how and for what reason caries develops, which factors favour it … Causes of caries

Further causes for the development of caries | Causes of caries

Further causes for the development of caries There are, however, other causes for the development of carious defects. One should keep in mind that proper salivation is essential for a healthy oral cavity and intact teeth. Lack of salivation and dry mouth increase the risk of caries enormously. If a patient suffers from a malignant … Further causes for the development of caries | Causes of caries