Household remedies for lip herpes | Home remedy for herpes

Household remedies for lip herpes The demand for home remedies for lip herpes is very high. Therefore, the question often arises as to which home remedy is actually suitable for the treatment of lip herpes. Although many people affected like to use household remedies frequently, the general opinion of experts – especially dermatologists – on … Household remedies for lip herpes | Home remedy for herpes

Home remedy for genital herpes | Home remedy for herpes

Home remedy for genital herpes Genital herpes, like lip herpes, is also a recurrent disease. This means that after asymptomatic phases, disease outbreaks with painful herpes blisters can occur again and again. Especially in stressful phases of life, during a flu or cold, or after increased exposure to sunlight, the disease frequently breaks out again. … Home remedy for genital herpes | Home remedy for herpes

Herpes Simplex

Definition Herpes Simplex is a virus (Herpes Simplex virus) that causes numerous, mainly skin diseases and can be divided into two subgroups. It can be divided into HSV 1 and HSV 2. lip herpes (in the mouth area) is usually triggered by HSV 1, genital herpes by HSV 2. Transmission Similar to the varicella zoster … Herpes Simplex

Diagnosis | Herpes Simplex

Diagnosis For the diagnosis of a herpes simplex infection, a clinical view is usually sufficient. In severe cases, or if the internal organs are also affected, a herpes infection can be detected by appropriate immunological methods. Treatment The treatment is carried out with so-called antivirals, which inhibit the further reproduction of the virus. Aciclovir is … Diagnosis | Herpes Simplex

Cold sores

Synonyms medical: herpes labialis, English: lip herpes Introduction Lip herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), so it is a viral infection. There are two different viruses that are responsible for triggering cold sores, the herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (or human herpes virus 1 and 2). Both viruses belong to the … Cold sores

Trigger | Cold sores

Trigger Many patients often ask themselves the question which factors cause the “dormant” herpes viruses to leave the nerve cells and cause acute lip herpes. Most researchers do not agree on this question either. However, psychological factors seem to play a decisive role in the onset of a relapse.Many patients report that particularly stressful situations … Trigger | Cold sores

Scars after lip herpes | Cold sores

Scars after lip herpes Many sufferers worry about whether lip herpes can leave scars. However, lip herpes usually heals without scarring. In some cases, small pink patches can be found on the lips after the cold sore has healed. These are not scars either. They also heal without consequences within several weeks. Only scratching open … Scars after lip herpes | Cold sores

Prognosis | Herpes nose

Prognosis Herpes infections of the nose are easily treatable diseases if treated in time. Often the disease is even self-limiting, i.e. even without drug therapy the blisters heal on their own after some time. In case of a weakened immune system, previous diseases or damaged skin, even a seemingly harmless infection can be dangerous. Especially … Prognosis | Herpes nose