Household remedy for internal use | Household remedy for dry skin

Household remedy for internal use A tip that is often given is to drink plenty of water. At least 2 liters should be drunk per day, but better still 3 liters. A lack of water in the body can make itself felt especially through headaches or chapped lips. In addition, especially in winter, care should … Household remedy for internal use | Household remedy for dry skin

Causes of an abscess

Introduction An abscess is an encapsulated accumulation of pus that is located in a newly formed body cavity of melted tissue. Abscesses can form anywhere in the body and on organs. In most cases, an abscess is caused by bacteria that enter the body through injury or infection, trigger an immune response and lead to … Causes of an abscess

Abscess due to increased testosterone levels | Causes of an abscess

Abscess due to increased testosterone levels An increased testosterone level in the body can lead to the formation of abscesses on the skin. Testosterone is an important male sex hormone. Intensive sport and muscle building lead to increased production of the sex hormone and raise the level of testosterone in the body. Many athletes and … Abscess due to increased testosterone levels | Causes of an abscess

Abscess as a complication of sinusitis | Causes of an abscess

Abscess as a complication of sinusitis An abscess can occur as a complication of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses). The paranasal sinuses are air-filled cavities in the bones of the skull and are often inflamed in the course of a flu-like infection. A “carry-over” of the infection, nasal polyps or a curved nasal septum … Abscess as a complication of sinusitis | Causes of an abscess

Skin cancer due to sunburn | How to recognize skin cancer?

Skin cancer due to sunburn The biggest known risk factor for the development of skin cancer is the exposure to UV radiation. In contrast to the dark-skinned population, the white population is particularly at risk because they lack the protective color pigment. Long-term exposure to UV radiation causes damage to the genetic material that is … Skin cancer due to sunburn | How to recognize skin cancer?

Dry lips in children

Introduction Not only in the cold seasons we have to fight with dry lips. Children are particularly often affected because they are less able to recognize and communicate first signs and are particularly dependent on others. Dry lips not only look unattractive, they can also tear and provide an entry point for bacteria and viruses. … Dry lips in children

Cause | Dry lips in children

Cause Dry lips in children have a number of causes, which usually occur in combination. On the one hand, cold, dry winter air can favour the development, on the other hand, children are not aware of the necessary care to the same extent, and are particularly dependent on adults. In addition, many children chew on … Cause | Dry lips in children