Properly Store Fruits and Vegetables: More Tips

For the proper storage of fruits and vegetables, it should be noted that tomatoes and apples should never be stored together with other fruits and vegetables. This is because they release the plant hormone ethylene in large quantities.

Ethylene accelerates ripening

Ethylene is a hormone that starts the ripening process, causing fruits and vegetables to overripe and spoil faster. Other fruits, such as bananas and apricots, also emit ethylene, but in smaller amounts than apples and tomatoes.

However, if you have bought unripe fruit, you can use the effect of apples and tomatoes for yourself: If you add an apple or a tomato to the unripe fruit, the ripening process will be significantly accelerated.

Always store fruits and vegetables separately

Since various vegetables in particular, such as cucumbers, cauliflower, lettuce or Brussels sprouts, are very sensitive to ethylene, fruit and vegetables should always be stored separately.

Best enjoyed fresh

Despite all the tips on how to store fruits and vegetables properly, it should always be remembered that fruits and vegetables taste best fresh. That’s why you should never store them for too long, because even if fruits and vegetables are kept in optimal conditions, they lose valuable nutrients over time. Therefore, it is best to always buy only as many fruits and vegetables as you will need for the next two to three days.