Prognosis/Progress | Pigment disorder on the forehead

Prognosis/Progress A pigment disorder on the forehead has no disease value in most cases and therefore usually takes a harmless course. For this reason, most of the affected persons can only be considered for cosmetic treatment of the changed skin area. How exactly the pigment disorder on the forehead develops over time depends to a … Prognosis/Progress | Pigment disorder on the forehead

Pigment disorder skin

Introduction Pigment disorders of the skin (medically called pigment nevi) are benign changes that can be clearly distinguished and distinguished from the surrounding skin in color. Almost everyone has a pigment disorder of the skin at some point on his or her body, but this has no disease value. Colloquially, terms such as “mole” or … Pigment disorder skin

Diagnosis | Molluscicles

Diagnosis Because of their typical appearance, dell’s warts are almost always a visual diagnosis for a doctor. Especially in the early stages, however, it is also possible that the appearance of dell’s warts is similar to other skin changes, such as common warts (verrucae vulgares), genital warts (condylomata acuminata) or fat deposits (xanthomas). In these … Diagnosis | Molluscicles

Forecast | Molluscicles

Forecast The prognosis of Dell’s warts is generally favourable: they usually disappear on their own after a certain period of time, but otherwise they always regress under appropriate therapy. However, this only applies to a limited extent to patients with a weakened immune system. In addition, once an infection with the molluscum contagiosum virus has … Forecast | Molluscicles


Warts, molluscs Medical: Mollusca contagiosaDell’s warts (also: Mollusca contagiosa, molluscs) are harmless skin changes that belong to the group of warts and are caused by a specific virus from the smallpox group, namely the DNA virus Molluscum contagiosum. This type of wart mainly affects children and young people and is highly contagious. Dell’s warts get … Molluscicles

Stretch marks

Definition Stretch marks are damage to the subcutis. Through strong, rapid stretching, for example during growth, pregnancy or rapid weight gain, the subcutis can tear and form scars. These scars usually remain permanent. During pregnancy these stretch marks are natural and affect almost all mothers. The reddish or purple discoloration that appears at the beginning … Stretch marks