Menopausal Nutrition: Changes in Hormonal Balance

At the latest with 50 years, the so-called change, the climacteric, announces itself by irregular cycles as well as differently strong menstrual periods. The term comes from the Greek and means something like “stage”. It heralds the beginning of a new phase of life. During the hormonal change, the correction of the lifestyle, especially an adapted diet, is of particular importance. It is worthwhile for every woman to reconsider nutritional behavior, even if menopausal symptoms are within limits, in order to prevent health impairments in time.

Change in hormone balance

During menopause, the estrogen level continuously decreases. This shifts the relationship to other sex hormones.

As with other hormonal changes, for example during pregnancy, there are often sensations of discomfort and discomfort during the adjustment phase. The body often reacts to the withdrawal of estrogen with:

  • Sweating
  • Hot flashes
  • Palpitations
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Nervousness
  • Mood swings
  • Dry skin

This changeover process can take several years and the symptoms vary from individual to individual. The final point of the hormonal changes is the cessation of menstrual periods. If these are absent for twelve months, it is called menopause.

Weight problems during menopause

During menopause, many women have the uneasy feeling of steadily gaining weight, although they do not eat more than before. This is due to the change in body composition with the decrease in muscle mass.

As a result, the basal metabolic rate gradually drops and physical activity often decreases. Energy consumption is significantly reduced and yet nutrient requirements remain unchanged, and for some nutrients they even increase.

What to eat during menopause?

From the age of 50 at the latest, industrially unprocessed foods with a high nutrient density should be preferred. These include, for example:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Whole grain products
  • Lean meat
  • Cold water fish (mackerel, salmon, herring and sardines).

Fat-conscious diet advisable

A fat-conscious diet is characterized by a low supply of saturated fatty acids of animal origin (meat and sausages) and a switch to unsaturated fatty acids from vegetable oils. These include olive, canola and walnut oils.

These oils support adaptation to lower energy requirements and, on top of that, ensure the supply of unsaturated fatty acids that protect blood vessels. These prevent arteriosclerosis with the risk of heart disease and strokes. An important supplement to weight control takes place through regular exercise.

Skin-friendly diet

Externally visible changes during the change are first noticeable on the skin. This becomes drier, loses firmness and clear contour. Cigarette smoke and UV rays act as accelerators. In the first place of a skin-friendly diet is the daily drinking amount of 1.5-2 liters in the form of low-energy, mineral-rich water, as well as juices of fruits and vegetables topped up with water and tea as desired.

Whey and buttermilk are also recommended. These contain biologically high-quality protein that promotes cell renewal. More than 90 percent of skin proteins consist of collagen building blocks and elastin, which is responsible for skin elasticity. A reliable supply of calcium is needed for skin stability. Low-fat dairy products such as cheese, quark and yogurt are ideal sources of protein.

By the way: Vitamin C is needed for collagen synthesis and is indispensable for skin regeneration. This is another reason why fresh fruits, salads and vegetables should be consumed several times a day for the sake of the skin.