Thermal Labyrinth Test

Thermal labyrinth testing (synonym: caloric labyrinth testing) is a diagnostic method used in otolaryngology to test the vestibular apparatus (balance apparatus) and thus detect balance disorders. Vertigo and vestibular disorders are very common complaints and can be caused by a variety of diseases. Since the exact cause often remains unknown, differentiation into central and vestibular … Thermal Labyrinth Test


Videonystagmography is a diagnostic method of ear, nose, and throat medicine used for differential diagnosis of vestibular disorders by recording eye movements. The sensorimotor system (sensory perception and movement) is responsible for an intact sense of balance, the central component of which is the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). By transmitting information from the labyrinth via the … Videonystagmography

Otoscopy (Ear Examination)

Otoscopy refers to the reflection of the ear, more specifically the reflection of the external auditory canal and the eardrum. This examination method is one of the standard methods in otolaryngology. Indications (areas of application) Hearing changes such as hypacusis (hearing loss). Diseases of the external auditory canal – such as otitis externa (inflammation of … Otoscopy (Ear Examination)

Otoacoustic Emissions

Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) testing refers to the measurement of sound emissions from the outer hair cells of the inner ear. OAEs can be used to specifically test the function of the cochlea (hearing cochlea).This examination is one of the objective tests of hearing ability. Indications (areas of application) Hearing screening in newborns (first screening up … Otoacoustic Emissions

Stapedius Reflex Measurement

Stapedius reflex measurement is a non-invasive (non-penetrating into the body) ear, nose and throat medicine procedure for objective functional diagnosis of the conductive apparatus. Together with tympanometry (middle ear pressure measurement), it is a part of impedance change measurement. Due to the impedance (acoustic resistance) of the eardrum and middle ear, part of the sound … Stapedius Reflex Measurement

Voice Diagnostics

Voice diagnostics refers to a procedure in otolaryngology in which various aspects of the voice are described. Indications (areas of application) Suspicion of a functional voice disorder – these include, above all, hoarseness or pain in the throat area after long periods of speaking; the functional voice disorders are caused by incorrect or by overloading … Voice Diagnostics

Electrical Response Audiometry

Electrical response audiometry examination refers to the testing of hearing ability based on the conduction of nerve activity in the brainstem (cerebral cortex) during hearing. This examination is one of the objective examinations of hearing ability. Indications (areas of application) Hearing screening in newborns Early detection of intoxications affecting the ear; these occur primarily with … Electrical Response Audiometry

Balance Test

The balance test is mainly performed on people suffering from vertigo (lat. Vertigo). The organ of balance (vestibular organ) is located in the inner ear and registers all changes in the position of the body in space. Indications (areas of application) Vertigo (dizziness) Hearing disorders Tumors in the area of the inner ear such as … Balance Test

Brainstem Audiometry

Brainstem evoked response audiometry (synonym: brainstem evoked response audiometry, ABR) is a diagnostic procedure in neurology and otolaryngology that can be used for electrophysiological assessment of objective hearing ability. By means of the ABR it is possible to measure the acoustically evoked (lat. evocare, “to summon”, “to evoke”) brainstem potentials (AEHP). With the help of … Brainstem Audiometry

Hearing Test (Audiometry)

Audiometry refers to procedures that measure properties and parameters of the auditory system. They are used to diagnose diseases of the auditory organs and to study them. Among them, the most frequently performed test is the tone threshold audiometry. Hearing impairment ranges in a wide field between normal hearing on one side and hearing loss … Hearing Test (Audiometry)