
Chloride is an important element that is counted among the electrolytes (blood salts). Chloride is the main anion of extracellular fluid (fluid located outside the body cells). Chloride concentration usually changes analogously to sodium concentration. Chloride is of importance in acid-base and electrolyte (salt)-water balance. The process Material needed Blood serum Preparation of the patient … Chloride

Total Protein in Urine

Under normal circumstances, protein (albumen) is filtered out by the glomerula (filtering apparatus of the kidney) and is therefore not detectable in the urine, or only in very small amounts. However, if disorders occur, the total protein in the urine is increased – this is referred to as proteinuria. Hemodynamically, protein is found in the … Total Protein in Urine

Potassium Levels and Health

Potassium is an important element from the group of alkali metals, which is counted among the electrolytes (blood salts). In this context, potassium is the main cation of intracellular fluid (98%) – fluid located inside the cell – along with various phosphate esters. It is important primarily for normal activity of nerves and muscles, but … Potassium Levels and Health

Magnesium Levels and Health

Magnesium is an important element from the alkaline earth group, which is counted among the electrolytes (blood salts).Thereby, magnesium as an anion is mainly intracellular (inside the body cells) and is found to a large extent in the bone (60%), circa 40% is found in the skeletal muscles, one third of the free magnesium (1%) … Magnesium Levels and Health

Sodium Levels and Health

Sodium is an important element from the group of alkali metals, which is counted among the electrolytes (blood salts).In this context, sodium is the main cation of the extracellular fluid (fluid located outside the cell), along with chloride (Cl) and bicarbonate (HCO3). Up to 90% of all sodium is found there.It plays an important role … Sodium Levels and Health


Osmolality is the sum of the molar concentration of all osmotically active particles per kilogram of solvent. These osmotically active substances include primarily calcium, chloride, glucose, urea, potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Thus, physiological serum osmolality depends almost exclusively on sodium concentration. Osmotic changes in the other electrolytes are not compatible with life. The unit is … Osmolality


Phosphate is a salt of phosphoric acids.Phosphate is found as an anion primarily in the bones and teeth (85%), but also occurs intracellularly (inside the body cells) and extracellularly (outside the cells) in equal concentrations.Only one percent is found in the extracellular space.Serum phosphate is 85% free, with the remainder protein- or complex-bound. The daily … Phosphate