G 42 Precautionary Examination

The so-called G 42 screening examination is one of the occupational health screening examinations and is performed in accordance with the Biological Substances Ordinance (BioStoffV) for activities involving biological agents, including genetic engineering work with human pathological organisms. These biological agents include, for example, microorganisms, cell cultures, endoparasites and their genetically modified forms. The purpose … G 42 Precautionary Examination

Screen Supplement Examination (G37)

The supplementary screen examination G37 follows the principles of the employers’ liability insurance association for occupational health screening at VDU workplaces. Its purpose is the early detection and prevention of health complaints as a result of occupational activity at VDUs. An initial examination is carried out before starting such an activity, followed by a follow-up … Screen Supplement Examination (G37)