Antisocial personality disorder

Dissocial personality disorder: Description Dissocial personality disorder, also called antisocial personality disorder by experts, is a severe and potentially dangerous disorder. Some sufferers are so irritable that even a minor disagreement can incite them to commit an act of violence. A dissocial personality disorder is already noticeable in childhood and adolescence. The affected children torture … Antisocial personality disorder

Psychopathy: Indications, Peculiarities, Relationships

What is psychopathy? Psychopathy is considered an extreme form of dissocial personality disorder. However, the distinction is not clearly defined scientifically. There are many overlaps between the two disorders. Both psychopaths and people with dissocial personality disorder exhibit dissocial behavior. However, experts believe that psychopaths are more emotionally impaired. For example, they use unrestrained aggression … Psychopathy: Indications, Peculiarities, Relationships