Acoustic Neuroma: Symptoms, Prognosis, Therapy

Brief overview Symptoms: Hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness Prognosis: Prognosis usually good, sometimes complications such as loss of balance, complete hearing loss, facial paresis (facial paralysis with involvement of the seventh cranial nerve), hemorrhage, damage to the brain stem, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage Cause: Probably due to hereditary disease neurofibromatosis type 1 and type 2; … Acoustic Neuroma: Symptoms, Prognosis, Therapy

Brain Tumor: Types, Treatment, Chances of Recovery

Brief overview Causes: The cause of primary brain tumors is usually unclear. Secondary brain tumors (brain metastases) are usually caused by other cancers. In some cases, the trigger is a hereditary disease such as neurofibromatosis or tuberous sclerosis. Diagnosis and examination: The doctor carries out physical examinations and takes a detailed medical history. Other diagnostic … Brain Tumor: Types, Treatment, Chances of Recovery

Glioblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Brief overview Prognosis: Glioblastoma is not curable. The prognosis depends, for example, on the health of the patient and the stage of the tumor. Survival time varies from a few months to several years. Symptoms: Headaches especially at night and in the morning, nausea and vomiting, speech disorders or epileptic seizures, coma Diagnosis: Physical, neurological … Glioblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Medulloblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Brief overview Prognosis: Depending on tumor characteristics and tumor subgroup well treatable with good prognosis, but certain tumor groups show unfavorable course Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea/vomiting, sleep disturbances, neurological complaints such as visual, speech and concentration disturbances and paralysis, motor complaints such as gait disturbances Causes: Triggers are not clearly known. Chromosomal changes, genetic predispositions … Medulloblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Pituitary Adenoma: Forms, Symptoms, Therapy

Brief overview Symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle paralysis, hydrocephalus, visual disturbances, milk let-down without pregnancy, loss of potency, growth disorders, osteoporosis, overweight or underweight, weakness, fatigue, edema, psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety Treatment: Surgery, radiation and drug therapy. Prognosis: If treated early, especially the benign forms, the prognosis is usually good. If left … Pituitary Adenoma: Forms, Symptoms, Therapy