Diabetes Type 1: Symptoms and Causes

Brief overview Symptoms: intense thirst, increased urination, weight loss, dizziness, nausea, weakness, in extreme cases, impaired consciousness or even unconsciousness Causes: Autoimmune disease (antibodies destroy insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas); gene mutations and other factors (such as infections) are thought to be involved in the development of the disease Investigations: Measurement of blood glucose … Diabetes Type 1: Symptoms and Causes

Diabetes mellitus: Symptoms, Consequences, Causes

Brief overview Diabetes types: Diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, diabetes type 3, gestational diabetes Symptoms: Severe thirst, frequent urination, itching, dry skin, general weakness, fatigue, increased infections due to weakened immune system, pain due to secondary diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system, neurological deficits such as sensory disturbances or impaired visual function Causes … Diabetes mellitus: Symptoms, Consequences, Causes

Diabetes in Children: Symptoms, Prognosis

Brief overview Symptoms: Strong thirst, increased urge to urinate, ravenous appetite, weight loss, fatigue, poor performance, lack of concentration, abdominal pain, possibly acetone odor of exhaled air Treatment: In type 1 diabetes, insulin therapy; in type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes (balanced diet, more exercise), oral diabetes medication if necessary, insulin therapy if necessary, diabetes education … Diabetes in Children: Symptoms, Prognosis

Diabetic Neuropathy: Recognition and Prevention

Brief overview Description: Neurological condition that can develop as a result of diabetes disease. Forms: Mainly peripheral (diabetic) neuropathy and autonomic (diabetic) neuropathy. In addition, other rare forms of progression. Symptoms: Symptoms depend on the form of progression: They range from sensory disturbances and numbness to tingling and stabbing pain in the hands or feet. … Diabetic Neuropathy: Recognition and Prevention

Insulin in diabetes therapy

What is insulin? The body’s own insulin is a blood sugar-lowering hormone that is produced in the pancreas. It plays a central role in many metabolic processes in the body, especially in blood sugar. It is therefore crucial in diabetes mellitus: patients’ abnormally high blood glucose levels are either due to the body producing too … Insulin in diabetes therapy