Diverticulitis: Description, Treatment

Brief overview Treatment: Medical treatment is necessary, depending on the severity of the inflammation, ranging from dietary measures and physical rest to antibiotics and surgery. Symptoms: Pain in the affected bowel area, often in the lower left lower abdomen, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, nausea Causes and risk factors: inflamed diverticula lead to the disease, risk factors: … Diverticulitis: Description, Treatment

Diverticulosis: Description, Treatment

Brief overview Symptoms: Usually no symptoms, otherwise irritable bowel-like complaints Diagnosis: Usually an incidental finding during colonoscopy or X-ray imaging Treatment: Dietary measures such as a high-fiber, low-meat diet, sufficient fluid intake, physical activity Causes and risk factors: Recurrent constipation over many years, risk factors: Age, obesity, other illnesses Disease progression and prognosis: Sometimes progresses … Diverticulosis: Description, Treatment