Impingement syndrome: Definition, forms

Brief overview Definition: entrapment of tissue in narrowed joint space; permanent restriction of mobility Forms: Primary impingement syndrome based on change in bone structure; secondary impingement syndrome triggered by other disease or injury Diagnosis: Medical history, physical examination, imaging procedures (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound) Treatment: Depending on the type and severity of impingement, conservative therapy (physiotherapy, … Impingement syndrome: Definition, forms

Hip Impingement Syndrome: Definition, Therapy

Brief overview Symptoms: Motion-dependent groin pain, pain after prolonged sitting, limited mobility. Causes: Malformations of the head of the femur and/or the acetabulum that abut in places. Treatment: In mild cases, conservative therapy, but usually surgery Forms: Depending on the involvement of the acetabulum or head, a distinction is made between pincer and cam impingement; … Hip Impingement Syndrome: Definition, Therapy

Shoulder impingement syndrome

Brief overview Definition: painful entrapment of tissue in the joint space of the shoulder that permanently restricts mobility Symptoms: The main symptom is pain, especially with certain movements and heavier loads; later, there is often restricted movement of the shoulder joint Causes: Primary impingement syndrome is caused by a change in the bone structure; secondary … Shoulder impingement syndrome