Cytomegaly in the Pregnancy

Cytomegalovirus (HHV 5) (synonyms: CMV; CMV infection; cytomegalovirus; cytomegaly; inclusion body disease; salivary gland viral disease; cytomegaly; cytomegalovirus; ICD-10 B25.-: Cytomegaly) are DNA viruses that represent a subgroup of the herpes viruses (human herpes viruses, HHV). Humans currently represent the only relevant pathogen reservoir. Occurrence: Infection occurs worldwide. Infestation of the adult population is up … Cytomegaly in the Pregnancy

Ringworm during Pregnancy

Erythema infectiosum (synonym: ringworm, E. infantum febrile, E. infectiosum, exanthema variegatum, megalerythema infectiosum, 5th disease) is an infectious disease. Occurrence: The infection occurs worldwide. The contagiousness (infectiousness or transmissibility of the pathogen) is very high, but not as highly contagious as measles or varicella (chickenpox). It exists even before clinical symptoms appear! Ringworm viruses are … Ringworm during Pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis Test

Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii, which belongs to the protozoa (primordial animals).Toxoplasmosis is common worldwide. In Germany, infestation among the elderly is up to 70%.Once a patient is infected, he or she remains infected for life, i.e. reactivation (i.e. a new outbreak of the disease) is possible at any time.The incubation … Toxoplasmosis Test

Chickenpox (Varicella) during Pregnancy

Chickenpox (synonyms: chicken pox; varicellae; varicella; variola emphysematica [varicella]; variola hybrida [varicella]; variola illegitima [varicella]; variola notha [varicella]; variola spuria [varicella]; varicella (chickenpox); varicella; ICD-10 B01.-: Varicella [chickenpox]) is an infectious disease caused by the varicella virus (VCV; VZV), which is one of the childhood diseases. Varicella zoster virus (VZV) belongs to the Herpesviridae family, … Chickenpox (Varicella) during Pregnancy