Interactions | Risperidone

Interactions Risperidone may interact with many other drugs. Therefore, special attention should be paid to which drugs can be combined with Risperidone. The combination of risperidone with diuretic drugs is considered particularly risky in elderly patients. In such cases, an increased incidence of strokes and increased mortality has been observed. If antidepressants or beta-blockers (antihypertensive … Interactions | Risperidone


Active ingredient Risperidone is a prescription drug from the group of atypical neuroleptics. In Germany it is marketed under the trade name Risperdal®, among others. It is called atypical because Risperidone is said to have fewer side effects on certain nerve tracts in the spinal cord (extrapyramidal motor system) than other neuroleptics. In addition, memory … Risperidone

Dosage | Risperidone

Dosage The dosage of the drug is determined by the treating physician. Usually the starting dose is 2mg Risperidone per day. This can be increased successively. Most patients are treated with a daily dose of 4-6mg Risperidone. The dose can be divided into one or two times a day. Risperidone only develops its full effect … Dosage | Risperidone


Definition The drug Insidon® is a drug from the group of psychotropic drugs. Insidon® is a drug name, the active ingredient is opipramol. Insidon® is prescribed in particular for anxiety disorders and somatoform disorders (these are diseases in which no cause for certain physical symptoms can be found and where psychosocial factors play an important … Insidon®

Contraindications | Insidon®

Contraindications Patients suffering from certain diseases should not take Insidon® or only after consultation with their doctor. This applies to: Insidon® should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Especially in the first trimester of pregnancy other preparations should be used. If it is necessary to take Insidon® while breastfeeding, the woman should stop breastfeeding, … Contraindications | Insidon®

Psychotropic drugs and alcohol – is it compatible?

The drug group of psychotropic drugs describes preparations which influence certain processes in the brain and can thus have an effect on certain diseases. The term psychotropic drug thus describes a whole group of different drugs which can be used for different diseases. These include, for example, antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquillants, hypnotics, as well as drugs … Psychotropic drugs and alcohol – is it compatible?

Side effects of psychotropic drugs and alcohol | Psychotropic drugs and alcohol – is it compatible?

Side effects of psychotropic drugs and alcohol Taking psychotropic drugs and alcohol at the same time may cause undesirable side effects. While many side effects cause only mild symptoms, some combinations can cause severe side effects, which can even be life-threatening. In many cases, the effect of the drugs or the alcohol is intensified. Especially … Side effects of psychotropic drugs and alcohol | Psychotropic drugs and alcohol – is it compatible?

Effects of psychotropic drugs and alcohol | Psychotropic drugs and alcohol – is it compatible?

Effects of psychotropic drugs and alcohol Alcohol acts on different parts of the human body. After the alcohol has been absorbed from the stomach and intestines and from there into the bloodstream, the substance is distributed throughout the body. In the liver, alcohol is broken down mainly by two specific enzymes, alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde … Effects of psychotropic drugs and alcohol | Psychotropic drugs and alcohol – is it compatible?


Haldol® is a drug for use in certain mental and psychological disorders and belongs to the group of drugs known as neuroleptics. The indications for Haldol® are as follows: In addition to the above-mentioned original indications, Haldol® is also indicated for the treatment of pathological muscle twitching (tic disorders, e.g. Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome) … Haldol

Special features for children and young people | Haldol

Special features for children and young people Children develop movement disorders even at low doses of Haldol®, so extreme caution is needed during treatment in children under 12 years of age. There are currently no long-term studies on this, so the indication should be established very carefully before a child is treated with Haldol®. Pregnancy … Special features for children and young people | Haldol


Definition Carbamazepine is a drug that is mainly used to treat epilepsy. Carbamazepine has also been shown to be effective in certain forms of pain – particularly so-called neuropathic pain, which is caused by damage to nerve cells – and in mental disorders such as mania, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder. This paper, … Carbamazepine