What are the disadvantages of a flu vaccination? | Flu vaccination – yes or no?

What are the disadvantages of a flu vaccination? The flu vaccination is usually very well tolerated. Nevertheless, side effects may occur. There may be redness or swelling of the injection site, which can also be painful. In addition, general symptoms such as tiredness, nausea, muscle pain or shivering may occur. The symptoms usually subside completely … What are the disadvantages of a flu vaccination? | Flu vaccination – yes or no?

Who should be vaccinated? | Flu vaccination – yes or no?

Who should be vaccinated? The permanent vaccination commission of the Robert Koch Institute (STIKO) makes recommendations on who should be vaccinated against the flu virus. Currently, the STIKO recommends vaccination for risk groups, i.e. groups of people who have an increased risk of the disease progressing more seriously than groups of people with an intact … Who should be vaccinated? | Flu vaccination – yes or no?

Who should not be vaccinated against flu? | Flu vaccination – yes or no?

Who should not be vaccinated against flu? The STIKO is recommended not to be vaccinated if you are currently ill (temperature above 38.5°C) or have an acute infection. The vaccination should be made up promptly after recovery. If there is an allergy to any of the ingredients of the vaccine, such as chicken egg protein, … Who should not be vaccinated against flu? | Flu vaccination – yes or no?

Duration of a flu

Introduction The duration of a flu depends on the severity of the infection and the type of pathogen. The real flu is the influenza, which is caused by the so-called influenza viruses. The real flu usually lasts for 7 to 14 days and is characterized by a sudden onset of the disease. However, a feeling … Duration of a flu

Summer flu

Definition Summer flu is a form of influenza caused by viruses that occurs mainly in summer and shows general symptoms of a flu-like infection, including fever, headache and aching limbs. The course of summer flu is generally milder than that of the “real” flu, which tends to occur in the winter months – influenza. The … Summer flu

Pathogen | Summer flu

Pathogen As triggers of a summer flu are usually responsible so-called Coxsackie viruses, named after the US-American city in which they were first found. They belong to the group of enteroviruses and can cause other diseases besides summer flu. The transmission route can either be via the respiratory tract as a droplet infection or via … Pathogen | Summer flu

Bird flu

Synonyms Avian influenza; avian influenza Microbiological: H5N1, H7N2, H7N9Avian influenza is an infectious disease caused by certain forms of the influenza virus. In a broader sense, bird flu is also known as “avian influenza” or “avian influenza”. Normally, avian flu mainly affects poultry (especially chickens, turkeys and ducks), but extensive mutations of the causative viruses … Bird flu

Symptoms | Bird flu

Symptoms The typical symptoms of avian influenza show themselves in different ways in each of the affected patients, depending on the immune situation. Since the incubation period of avian flu (the time between infection and outbreak of the disease) is approximately 14 days, the first symptoms can be expected after this period. The symptoms of … Symptoms | Bird flu