Duration of the summer flu | Summer flu

Duration of the summer flu

If the immune system is intact, the usual summer flu should not last longer than one week. If the flu lasts longer and a fever persists, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. People with a chronic illness who take medication to modulate their immune system are at risk of contracting summer flu for longer than one week. The same is usually true for small children or elderly people. Here the summer flu can also sometimes last up to three weeks


In the vast majority of cases, summer flu is a disease with a mild course that is not comparable to seasonal flu. In general, sufficient fluid intake and physical rest should be ensured. Warm teas and inhalations with slightly salted, steaming water can be soothing for irritations of the throat and respiratory tract.

In the case of straining headaches and aching limbs, one can consider taking an analgesic such as paracetamol, which has the additional side effect of lowering fever. Furthermore, as a hygienic measure, regular hand washing should be considered, as the viruses are spread by lack of hygiene. Since viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics, only the symptoms can be treated.

If fever persists for more than 3 days and the symptoms improve only slightly, a doctor should be consulted. However, summer flu usually subsides during this period and often leaves only a slight cough or cold. General measures such as regular exercise in the fresh air, a balanced healthy diet, as well as conscientious hand hygiene can generally be helpful as preventive measures.

In addition, care should be taken to avoid strong temperature differences, for example between air-conditioned rooms and very warm outside temperatures. If, despite all good prevention, you have the misfortune to fall ill with summer flu, a generous fluid intake and physical protection will help. Here, you can fall back on commercially available teas, whereby the tea from the ginger root mixed with fresh lemon juice and bee honey is particularly effective.

The natural ingredients have a positive effect on the disease. Lozenges can be purchased in the pharmacy for sore throats or swallowing difficulties.Staying in the sun and high heat should be avoided if possible, as this usually has a worsening effect on the symptoms. Homeopathic remedies can also have a supportive effect in the treatment of summer flu.

On the whole, however, if the symptoms worsen and last longer than 1-2 weeks, a doctor should be consulted in any case, because no homeopathic remedy can replace medical treatment. Homeopathic remedies can be found in pharmacies and drugstores in the form of globules, drops or juices. The manufacturers promise the activation of the physical self-healing powers, as well as a less pronounced symptomatology of the cold symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof of their effectiveness that they are more effective than a placebo. All in all, everyone should fall back on the remedies that have provided relief for him or her in the past.