Cerebrum | Forebrain

Cerebrum Synonym: Telencephalon Definition: The cerebrum is also called the end brain and is a part of the central nervous system. It consists of two hemispheres, separated by the longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum. The two hemispheres can be further divided into four lobes. Here, innumerable integration processes take place, including the following: Anatomy: A … Cerebrum | Forebrain


Synonyms in the broadest sense Diencephalon Introduction The diencephalon as a part of the brain is located between the end brain (cerebrum) and the brain stem. Its components are: Thalamus Epithalamus (epi = on it) Subthalamus (sub = below) with Globus pallidus (pallidum) Hypothalamus (hypo = below, less) Thalamus The ovoid paired thalamus is the … Interbrain