Limbic system | Forebrain

Limbic system

Anatomy & Function: The centers belonging to the limbic system are sometimes not clearly defined. They are all located near the brain bar (corpus callosum). The limbic system generally includes the following structures: The amygdala lies in the temporal lobe.

It plays a decisive role in the emotionally determined regulation of vegetative parameters. For example, it is involved in making our heart beat faster when we are frightened. This is made possible by numerous fiber connections of the amygdala to centers of vegetative regulation in the brainstem and hypothalamus.

It also plays a decisive role in controlling fear and anger behavior, emotional evaluation and recognition of situations and the linking of, for example, an odor or something heard with a certain emotion. The hippocampus, like the amygdala, is located in the temporal lobe. It is also involved in vegetative and emotional processes.

However, it is more popular for its memory function. The so-called Papez neuron circle plays a decisive role in this. From the hippocamous, fibers in the fornix to the corpora mamillaria of the hypothalamus are pulled.

From there, the fibers run further over the thalamus into the cinguli gyrus, further into the parahyippocampal gyrus and back to the hippocampus, thus closing the neuron circle. This complex network of nerve fibers is indispensable for the adequate functioning of the short-term memory. Clinical reason: Even the destruction of only one of the members of the Papez neuron circle leads to massive memory disorders.

This affects newly learned content that can no longer be retained for more than one or two minutes.Old memory contents, on the other hand, remain untouched, since they have already been transferred from short to long-term memory.

  • The hippocampus
  • The Amygdala
  • The cinguli gyrus
  • The Gyrus parahippocampalis
  • The Corpora mamillaria

Synonym: Isocortex The neocortex is the youngest part of the brain. It consists of four brain lobes: Histologically it consists of 6 cell layers. A detailed description of the brain lobes can be found here: Neocortex

  • Frontal lobe
  • Parietal lobe
  • Occipital lobe
  • Temporal lobe