
Denervation is the cutting of nerves or nerve tracts so that they do not transmit information to the brain and, conversely, the brain can no longer send information via the denervated nerve. In the majority of cases, the procedure is performed to eliminate unwanted, mostly chronic pain. Denervation can also be a therapeutic option for … Reservation

Brain Nerves

Synonyms in the broadest sense cranial nerve, cranial nerve, cranial nerves, optic nerve, olfactory nerve, oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, trigeminal nerve, facial nerve, abducens nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve Definition The generic term cranial nerves (Nervi craniales) refers to 12 specific nerves of outstanding importance on each half of the body. For practical … Brain Nerves

Cerebellar damage

Synonyms Medical: Cerebellum (lat.) Introduction If the cerebellum is damaged, specific neurological symptoms may occur. Ataxia When the cerebellum is damaged (lesion) in any form (by bleeding, tumor, poisoning (intoxication), cerebellar atrophy, inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis and other damages) the primary symptom is ataxia. The word is taken from the Greek, where ataxia … Cerebellar damage


Definition The name hippocampus comes from Latin and means translated seahorse. The hippocampus as one of the most important structures of the human brain bears this name in reference to its seahorse-like form. It is part of the telencephalon and is found once in each half of the brain. Anatomy The name hippocampus comes from … Hippocampus

Diseases of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

Diseases of the hippocampus In some people suffering from depression, a decrease in the size (atrophy) of the hippocampus has been observed in studies. The people most affected were those with chronic depression (lasting for many years) or those with very early onset of the disease (in early adulthood). In the context of depression, there … Diseases of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

MRT of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

MRT of the hippocampus Magnetic resonance imaging, also known as MRI, is the imaging diagnosis of choice for assessing possible pathological changes in the brain, including the hippocampal region in the temporal lobe. Within the framework of epilepsy diagnostics, even small lesions or abnormalities can be detected and treated at an early stage. MRI of … MRT of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

Motor neuron

Motoneurons are the nerve cells responsible for the formation and coordination of movements. According to the location of the motoneurons, a distinction is made between the “upper motoneurons”, which are located in the cerebral cortex, and the “lower motoneurons”, which are located in the spinal cord. The lower motor neuron The lower motoneuron is located … Motor neuron

Nerve fiber

A nerve fiber is a portion of a nerve. A nerve is composed of several nerve fiber bundles. These nerve fiber bundles contain many nerve fibers. Each nerve fiber is surrounded by the so-called endoneurium, a kind of protective mantle around each nerve fiber. The endoneurium consists of connective tissue and elastic fibres and because … Nerve fiber