Duration of heart palpitations | Tachycardia due to stress

Duration of heart palpitations In the case of tachycardia caused by stress, the perceived tachycardia usually lasts only a few minutes. However, the type of occurrence also plays a decisive role. If the tachycardia occurs in a seizure-like manner in stress situations, phases lasting less than one minute can occur, but also seizures lasting several … Duration of heart palpitations | Tachycardia due to stress

Therapy | Tachycardia due to stress

Therapy To treat tachycardia under stress, the problem should first be tackled at its source. Learning stress management strategies and the immediate reduction of the frequency of stressful situations has the highest priority. Under certain circumstances, a sick leave may be necessary, for example, if the stress is at work. People who are particularly prone … Therapy | Tachycardia due to stress

Is that dangerous? | Tachycardia due to stress

Is that dangerous? Whether tachycardia is dangerous under stress depends on the situation. There are normal stressful situations where the acceleration of the heartbeat is quite normal and helps the body to perform as required. However, these are mainly physical demands. A fast heartbeat or even racing heart does not help anyone to work better … Is that dangerous? | Tachycardia due to stress

Holiday Heart Syndrome

Definition The term Holiday-Heart Syndrome refers to the cardiac arrhythmia caused by alcohol abuse. Holiday-Heart Syndrome thus belongs to the category of rhythm disturbances caused by extracardiac factors. Amongst other things, it leads to a paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in addition to several other rhythm disturbances. This is a “seizure-like” occurrence of a pathologically increased atrial … Holiday Heart Syndrome

Diagnosis of Holiday-Heart Syndrome | Holiday Heart Syndrome

Diagnosis of Holiday-Heart Syndrome In addition to anamnesis, clinical and instrumental diagnostics can be considered. In this context, it is important for the physician to determine the possible trigger factors: Alcohol consumption during excessive partying combined with cardiac symptoms, as described above. In the course of apparative diagnostics, the attending physician uses the ECG. Irregular … Diagnosis of Holiday-Heart Syndrome | Holiday Heart Syndrome

Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Introduction Tachycardia after meals often occurs in connection with various clinical pictures, such as in the early phase of diabetes mellitus type II, or as a result of a Billroth II operation, and is often perceived as very unpleasant by those affected. Tachycardia exists from a heartbeat of over 100 per minute. Tachycardia can occur … Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Therapy and treatment | Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Therapy and treatment For the therapy of heart palpitations caused by early dumping, it is recommended to spread the meals in small portions throughout the day and to pay attention to a low sugar content. In many cases, the symptoms reduce on their own about one month after the stomach operation. However, if the palpitations … Therapy and treatment | Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Tachycardia and shortness of breath | Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Tachycardia and shortness of breath Breathlessness can occur if the chyme enters the windpipe instead of the esophagus. However, this circumstance is characterized by coughing attacks and a feeling of suffocation. A further possibility of shortness of breath, however, is the so-called angina pectoris. A typical symptom accompanying a heart attack, which is characterized by … Tachycardia and shortness of breath | Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Prognosis | Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Prognosis The prognosis for tachycardia after meals is quite good. Especially dumping syndromes can be controlled well by spontaneous regression or dietary adjustment. Even after successful treatment of the other causes, such as type II diabetes, hyperinsulinism and hyperthyroidism, the prognosis is good. Prophylaxis In the case of dumping syndromes, heart palpitations after a meal … Prognosis | Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Tachycardia after meals and diabetes | Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?

Tachycardia after meals and diabetes In the early phase of diabetes mellitus type II, increased insulin release can occur for a short period of time, which can lead to hypoglycemia and then cause symptoms such as racing heart after eating. The incorrect use of certain drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type II can … Tachycardia after meals and diabetes | Tachycardia after a meal – How dangerous is it?